Contributed by the Technical Committee on Vibration and Sound for publication in the JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND ACOUSTICS. Manuscript received Jan. 2000; revised Sept. 2000. Associate Editor: J. Q. Sun.
The most commonly used mathematical formulation for a beam with a constrained layer damping treatment was developed by Mead and Markus 1. In their formulation, the base beam and the constraining layer are set to undergo identical transverse deflections and the longitudinal displacements of the base beam and the constraining layer are set to be related via the thickness and Young’s modulus of each layer. As a result, the Mead-Markus formulation only applies to a class of systems with boundary conditions described in Markus et al. 2, Rao 3, and Lifshitz and Leibowitz 4. Trompette et al. 5 were first to investigate the practical implication of this issue by investigating a specific constrained layer damped...