This work intends to compare two viscoelastic models, namely ADF and GHM, which account for frequency dependence and allow frequency and time-domain analysis of hybrid active-passive damping treatments, made of viscoelastic layers constrained with piezoelectric actuators. A modal strain energy (MSE) based iterative model is also considered for comparison. As both ADF and GHM models increase the size of the system, through additional dissipative coordinates, and to enhance the control feasibility, a modal reduction technique is presented for the first time for the ADF model and then applied to GHM and MSE ones for comparison. The resulting reduced systems are then used to analyze the performance of a segmented hybrid damped cantilever beam under parameters variations, using a constrained input optimal control algorithm. The open loop modal damping factors for all models match well. However, due to differences between the modal basis used for each model, the closed loop ones were found to be different. [S0739-3717(00)01102-8]
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April 2000
Technical Papers
Modeling of Frequency-Dependent Viscoelastic Materials for Active-Passive Vibration Damping
M. A. Trindade, Doctoral student, ASME Student Member,
M. A. Trindade, Doctoral student, ASME Student Member
Structural Mechanics and Coupled Systems Laboratory, Conservatoire National des Arts et Me´tiers, 75003 Paris, France
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A. Benjeddou, Assistant Professor, ASME Associate Member,
A. Benjeddou, Assistant Professor, ASME Associate Member
Structural Mechanics and Coupled Systems Laboratory, Conservatoire National des Arts et Me´tiers, 75003 Paris, France
Search for other works by this author on:
R. Ohayon, Professor, ASME Member
R. Ohayon, Professor, ASME Member
Structural Mechanics and Coupled Systems Laboratory, Conservatoire National des Arts et Me´tiers, 75003 Paris, France
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M. A. Trindade, Doctoral student, ASME Student Member
Structural Mechanics and Coupled Systems Laboratory, Conservatoire National des Arts et Me´tiers, 75003 Paris, France
A. Benjeddou, Assistant Professor, ASME Associate Member
Structural Mechanics and Coupled Systems Laboratory, Conservatoire National des Arts et Me´tiers, 75003 Paris, France
R. Ohayon, Professor, ASME Member
Structural Mechanics and Coupled Systems Laboratory, Conservatoire National des Arts et Me´tiers, 75003 Paris, France
Contributed by the Technical Committee on Vibration and Sound for publication in the JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND ACOUSTICS. Manuscript received Nov. 1999. Associate Technical Editor: M. I. Friswell.
J. Vib. Acoust. Apr 2000, 122(2): 169-174 (6 pages)
Published Online: November 1, 1999
Article history
November 1, 1999
Trindade, M. A., Benjeddou, A., and Ohayon, R. (November 1, 1999). "Modeling of Frequency-Dependent Viscoelastic Materials for Active-Passive Vibration Damping ." ASME. J. Vib. Acoust. April 2000; 122(2): 169–174.
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