This paper presents a comprehensive assessment of real gas effects on the performance and matching of centrifugal compressors operating in supercritical CO2. The analytical framework combines first principles based modeling with targeted numerical simulations to characterize the internal flow behavior of supercritical fluids with implications for radial turbomachinery design and analysis. Trends in gas dynamic behavior, not observed for ideal fluids, are investigated using influence coefficients for compressible channel flow derived for real gas. The variation in the properties of CO2 and the expansion through the vapor-pressure curve due to local flow acceleration are identified as possible mechanisms for performance and operability issues observed near the critical point. The performance of a centrifugal compressor stage is assessed at different thermodynamic conditions relative to the critical point using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) calculations. The results indicate a reduction of 9% in the choke margin of the stage compared to its performance at ideal gas conditions due to variations in real gas properties. Compressor stage matching is also impacted by real gas effects as the excursion in corrected mass flow per unit area from inlet to outlet increases by 5%. Investigation of the flow field near the impeller leading edge at high flow coefficients shows that local flow acceleration causes the thermodynamic conditions to reach the vapor-pressure curve. The significance of two-phase flow effects is determined through a nondimensional parameter that relates the time required for liquid droplet formation to the residence time of the flow under saturation conditions. Applying this criterion to the candidate compressor stage shows that condensation is not a concern at the investigated operating conditions. In the immediate vicinity of the critical point however, this effect is expected to become more prominent. While the focus of this analysis is on supercritical CO2 compressors for carbon capture and sequestration (CCS), the methodology is directly applicable to other nonconventional fluids and applications.
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September 2015
An Investigation of Real Gas Effects in Supercritical CO2 Centrifugal Compressors
Nikola D. Baltadjiev,
Nikola D. Baltadjiev
MIT Gas Turbine Laboratory,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
,Cambridge, MA 02139
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Claudio Lettieri,
Claudio Lettieri
MIT Gas Turbine Laboratory,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
,Cambridge, MA 02139
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Zoltán S. Spakovszky
Zoltán S. Spakovszky
MIT Gas Turbine Laboratory,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
,Cambridge, MA 02139
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Nikola D. Baltadjiev
MIT Gas Turbine Laboratory,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
,Cambridge, MA 02139
Claudio Lettieri
MIT Gas Turbine Laboratory,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
,Cambridge, MA 02139
Zoltán S. Spakovszky
MIT Gas Turbine Laboratory,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
,Cambridge, MA 02139
Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute (IGTI) of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF TURBOMACHINERY. Manuscript received December 17, 2014; final manuscript received December 28, 2014; published online February 25, 2015. Editor: Ronald Bunker.
J. Turbomach. Sep 2015, 137(9): 091003 (13 pages)
Published Online: September 1, 2015
Article history
December 17, 2014
Revision Received:
December 28, 2014
February 25, 2015
Baltadjiev, N. D., Lettieri, C., and Spakovszky, Z. S. (September 1, 2015). "An Investigation of Real Gas Effects in Supercritical CO2 Centrifugal Compressors." ASME. J. Turbomach. September 2015; 137(9): 091003.
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