Casing grooves are known to increase the stable operating range of axial compressors. The mechanism by which this stability enhancement occurs is poorly understood. This paper develops a better understanding of the behavior of casing grooves through analysis of new data. An experimental parametric study is used to demonstrate the effect of varying the axial location of a single casing groove on the stability and efficiency of the compressor. The effect that the groove has on rotor outflow blockage, blade loading, and the near-casing flow field is then investigated using both experimental and computational methods. It is found that the interaction of the groove with the flow field is different when the groove is positioned forward or aft relative to the blade. The interaction of the groove with the flow in the tip region in both of these positions is presented in detail. Finally, the implications of these findings for the design of casing grooves of different depths are discussed.
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April 2011
Research Papers
Enhancing the Stability of Subsonic Compressors Using Casing Grooves
Tim Houghton,
Tim Houghton
Whittle Laboratory,
Cambridge University
, Cambridge CB3 0DY, UK
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Ivor Day
Ivor Day
Whittle Laboratory,
Cambridge University
, Cambridge CB3 0DY, UK
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Tim Houghton
Whittle Laboratory,
Cambridge University
, Cambridge CB3 0DY, UK
Ivor Day
Whittle Laboratory,
Cambridge University
, Cambridge CB3 0DY, UKJ. Turbomach. Apr 2011, 133(2): 021007 (11 pages)
Published Online: October 20, 2010
Article history
July 20, 2009
July 28, 2009
October 20, 2010
October 20, 2010
Houghton, T., and Day, I. (October 20, 2010). "Enhancing the Stability of Subsonic Compressors Using Casing Grooves." ASME. J. Turbomach. April 2011; 133(2): 021007.
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