The unsteady flow within a two-stage low-pressure research turbine equipped with high lift profiles has been investigated in detail for three different aerodynamic loading conditions. Experiments have been carried out at low speed. Velocity and turbulence intensity in the blade-to-blade plane at midspan have been measured by means of a crossed hot-wire probe, upstream and downstream of each blade row. The probe has been traversed circumferentially over 1.5 bladings pitch and the phase-locked data acquisition and ensemble average technique have been used to reconstruct the flow in space and time. The effects of multistage configuration have been identified and analyzed by considering the velocity components and turbulence intensity. Potential interaction from the downstream blading in relative motion, periodic wake perturbations from the upstream blading and preceding stage perturbations make the flow in the second stage extremely complex. Overall the flow downstream of rotors is perturbed in space by upstream and downstream stators, while flow downstream of stators is mostly perturbed in time by rotor effects. As expected, high lift profiles are significantly sensitive to incidence variation, with this effect further enhanced by the multistage cumulative interactions.
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October 2007
Research Papers
Influence of Aerodynamic Loading on Rotor-Stator Aerodynamic Interaction in a Two-Stage Low Pressure Research Turbine
Pietro Zunino
Pietro Zunino
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Edward Canepa
Piergiorgio Formosa
Davide Lengani
Daniele Simoni
Marina Ubaldi
Pietro Zunino
J. Turbomach. Oct 2007, 129(4): 765-772 (8 pages)
Published Online: August 4, 2006
Article history
July 24, 2006
August 4, 2006
Canepa, E., Formosa, P., Lengani, D., Simoni, D., Ubaldi, M., and Zunino, P. (August 4, 2006). "Influence of Aerodynamic Loading on Rotor-Stator Aerodynamic Interaction in a Two-Stage Low Pressure Research Turbine." ASME. J. Turbomach. October 2007; 129(4): 765–772.
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