Large-scale computational analyses have been conducted and results compared with experiments to understand coolant jet and crossflow interaction in discrete-jet film cooling. Detailed three-dimensional elliptic Navier–Stokes solutions, with high-order turbuence modeling, are presented for film cooling using a new model enabling simultaneous solution of fully coupled flow in plenum, film-hole, and cross-stream regions. Computations are carried out for the following range of film cooling parameters typically found in gas turbine airfoil applications: single row of jets with a film-hole length-to-diameter ratio of 1.75 and 3.5; blowing ratio from 0.5 up to 2; coolant-to-crossflow density ratio of 2; streamwise injection angle of 35 deg; and pitch-to-diameter ratio of 3. Comparison of computational solutions with experimental data give good agreement. Moreover, the current results complement experiments and support previous interpretations of measured data and flow visualization. The results also explain important aspects of film cooling, such as the development of complex flow within the film-hole in addition to the well-known counterrotating vortex structure in the cross-stream.

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