In this paper, the complex two-phase flow during oil-jet impingement on a rotating spur gear is investigated using the meshless smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method. On the basis of a two-dimensional setup, a comparison of single-phase SPH to multiphase SPH simulations and the application of the volume of fluid method is drawn. The results of the different approaches are compared regarding the predicted flow phenomenology and computational effort. It is shown that the application of single-phase SPH is justified and that this approach is superior in computational time, enabling faster simulations. In the next step, a three-dimensional single-phase SPH setup is exploited to predict the flow phenomena during the impingement of an oil-jet on a spur gear for three different jet inclination angles. The oil’s flow phenomenology is described and the obtained resistance torque is presented. Thereby, a significant effect of the inclination angle on the oil spreading and splashing process as well as the resistance torque is identified.