A deterministic adhesive model for the contact between an elastic layered medium with surface roughness and a smooth elastic microsphere was developed on the basis of the Lennard–Jones surface force law. Through numerical simulations, the adhesive contact behavior of the layered medium with the measured three-dimensional (3D) surface topography was comparatively analyzed with that of the homogeneous medium. Furthermore, the contact characteristics of the layered medium with pre-assigned roughness parameters were investigated with the aid of a computer-generated technique for simulating surface roughness. Results showed that the pull-off force for the contact problem involving rough surfaces was influenced by the contact location, and the average value for the contact between an alumina (SiO2) microsphere and a diamond-like carbon/silicon (DLC/Si)-layered medium was smaller than that for the contact between a SiO2 microsphere and a Si homogeneous half-space. In addition, the effect of the diamond-like carbon (DLC) layer on reducing adhesion was smaller than that of the surface roughness. Finally, the average pull-off force for a DLC/Si-layered medium with computer-generated surface roughness rapidly decreased; however, it eventually became almost unchangeable with the increase in the root-mean-square (RMS) deviation.
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April 2019
Technical Briefs
Investigations of the Adhesive Contact Behavior of Elastic Layered Media With Surface Roughness
Yuyan Zhang,
Yuyan Zhang
Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,
Nanjing Forestry University,
Nanjing 210037, China
e-mail: yuyan_zhang@njfu.edu.cn
Nanjing Forestry University,
Nanjing 210037, China
e-mail: yuyan_zhang@njfu.edu.cn
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Lina Si,
Lina Si
Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering,
North China University of Technology,
Beijing 100144, China
North China University of Technology,
Beijing 100144, China
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Xiaoqing Zhang,
Xiaoqing Zhang
Department of Materials Science and Mechanical
Beijing Technology and Business University,
Beijing 100048, China
Beijing Technology and Business University,
Beijing 100048, China
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Juan Li,
Juan Li
Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,
Nanjing Forestry University,
Nanjing 210037, China
Nanjing Forestry University,
Nanjing 210037, China
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Wanjun Wang
Wanjun Wang
Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,
Nanjing Forestry University,
Nanjing 210037, China
Nanjing Forestry University,
Nanjing 210037, China
Search for other works by this author on:
Yuyan Zhang
Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,
Nanjing Forestry University,
Nanjing 210037, China
e-mail: yuyan_zhang@njfu.edu.cn
Nanjing Forestry University,
Nanjing 210037, China
e-mail: yuyan_zhang@njfu.edu.cn
Lina Si
Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering,
North China University of Technology,
Beijing 100144, China
North China University of Technology,
Beijing 100144, China
Xiaoqing Zhang
Department of Materials Science and Mechanical
Beijing Technology and Business University,
Beijing 100048, China
Beijing Technology and Business University,
Beijing 100048, China
Juan Li
Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,
Nanjing Forestry University,
Nanjing 210037, China
Nanjing Forestry University,
Nanjing 210037, China
Wanjun Wang
Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,
Nanjing Forestry University,
Nanjing 210037, China
Nanjing Forestry University,
Nanjing 210037, China
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Tribology Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF TRIBOLOGY. Manuscript received July 26, 2018; final manuscript received December 27, 2018; published online February 5, 2019. Assoc. Editor: Liming Chang.
J. Tribol. Apr 2019, 141(4): 044504 (5 pages)
Published Online: February 5, 2019
Article history
July 26, 2018
December 27, 2018
Zhang, Y., Si, L., Zhang, X., Li, J., and Wang, W. (February 5, 2019). "Investigations of the Adhesive Contact Behavior of Elastic Layered Media With Surface Roughness." ASME. J. Tribol. April 2019; 141(4): 044504. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4042505
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