The nanoparticles-laden gas film (NLGF), which is formed by adding nanoparticles into the gas film, has a potential to increase the load capacity of the gas film and to protect the surfaces of the bearing from severe contact damage. In order to explore the lubrication performance of NLGF, the load capacity in the noncontact state and the friction coefficient in the contact state were studied experimentally by a novel NLGF thrust bearing apparatus. The effects of nanoparticles concentration on the load capacity and the friction coefficient were investigated, respectively. The lubrication performance of NLGF in a 200 start-stop cyclic test was evaluated. The contact surfaces were analyzed by the surface profilometer, scanning electron microscope (SEM), and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The results showed that NLGF had the enhancement of the load capacity in the noncontact state and possessed the properties of friction reduction and surface protection in the contact state. An optimal nanoparticles concentration of 60 g/m3 was found, making NLGF have a relative high load capacity in the noncontact state and the lowest friction coefficient in the contact state. With the optimal concentration, the friction coefficient with NLGF kept a low value during the 200 start-stop cyclic test. Then the friction reduction mechanism of NLGF was discussed, and it was inferred that the surface of the disk was covered with a protective film formed by nanoparticles, leading to a lower shear force. This study opens new perspectives of adding nanoparticles into gas bearings to improve the lubrication performance.
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July 2014
Technical Briefs
Lubrication Performance of Nanoparticles-Laden Gas Film in Thrust Bearing Under Noncontact and Contact Conditions
Hongyan Fan,
Hongyan Fan
Key Laboratory of Education Ministry for Modern Design
and Rotor-Bearing System,
School of Mechanical Engineering,
and Rotor-Bearing System,
School of Mechanical Engineering,
Xi'an Jiaotong University
,Xi'an 710049
, China
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Xue Fan,
Xue Fan
Key Laboratory of Education Ministry for Modern Design
and Rotor-Bearing System,
School of Mechanical Engineering,
and Rotor-Bearing System,
School of Mechanical Engineering,
Xi'an Jiaotong University
,Xi'an 710049
, China
1Corresponding authors.
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Zhiru Yang,
Zhiru Yang
Key Laboratory of Education Ministry for Modern Design
and Rotor-Bearing System,
School of Mechanical Engineering,
and Rotor-Bearing System,
School of Mechanical Engineering,
Xi'an Jiaotong University
,Xi'an 710049
, China
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Dongfeng Diao
Dongfeng Diao
Key Laboratory of Education Ministry for Modern Design
and Rotor-Bearing System,
School of Mechanical Engineering,
and Rotor-Bearing System,
School of Mechanical Engineering,
Xi'an Jiaotong University
,Xi'an 710049
, China
;Institute of Nanosurface Science and Engineering (INSE),
Shenzhen University,
Shenzhen University,
Shenzhen 518060
, China
1Corresponding authors.
Search for other works by this author on:
Hongyan Fan
Key Laboratory of Education Ministry for Modern Design
and Rotor-Bearing System,
School of Mechanical Engineering,
and Rotor-Bearing System,
School of Mechanical Engineering,
Xi'an Jiaotong University
,Xi'an 710049
, China
Xue Fan
Key Laboratory of Education Ministry for Modern Design
and Rotor-Bearing System,
School of Mechanical Engineering,
and Rotor-Bearing System,
School of Mechanical Engineering,
Xi'an Jiaotong University
,Xi'an 710049
, China
Zhiru Yang
Key Laboratory of Education Ministry for Modern Design
and Rotor-Bearing System,
School of Mechanical Engineering,
and Rotor-Bearing System,
School of Mechanical Engineering,
Xi'an Jiaotong University
,Xi'an 710049
, China
Dongfeng Diao
Key Laboratory of Education Ministry for Modern Design
and Rotor-Bearing System,
School of Mechanical Engineering,
and Rotor-Bearing System,
School of Mechanical Engineering,
Xi'an Jiaotong University
,Xi'an 710049
, China
;Institute of Nanosurface Science and Engineering (INSE),
Shenzhen University,
Shenzhen University,
Shenzhen 518060
, China
1Corresponding authors.
Contributed by the Tribology Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF TRIBOLOGY. Manuscript received September 24, 2013; final manuscript received March 30, 2014; published online May 6, 2014. Assoc. Editor: Robert L. Jackson.
J. Tribol. Jul 2014, 136(3): 034505 (6 pages)
Published Online: May 6, 2014
Article history
September 24, 2013
Revision Received:
March 30, 2014
Fan, H., Fan, X., Yang, Z., and Diao, D. (May 6, 2014). "Lubrication Performance of Nanoparticles-Laden Gas Film in Thrust Bearing Under Noncontact and Contact Conditions." ASME. J. Tribol. July 2014; 136(3): 034505.
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