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Keywords: shear strain
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Journal Articles
Publisher: ASTM International
Article Type: Research-Article
J. Test. Eval.. March 1991, 19(2): 93–96.
Published Online: March 1, 1991
..., and (b) to discuss the determination of a representative shear stress to characterize steady-state creep flow in this new geometry. Experimental System KEY WORDS: creep deformation, shear stress state, shear strain, double shear experiment, simple shear, stress redistribution, high temperature...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASTM International
Article Type: Research-Article
J. Test. Eval.. November 1984, 12(6): 400–406.
Published Online: November 1, 1984
...GP Colbert; KD Ziegel A simple method is described for estimating end corrections in capillary flow. It is based on Bird's technique for predicting recoverable shear strain from viscosity data and using these predicted values in the Tanner equation. A shortcoming of the method is the technique...
Journal Articles