Although the triggering of landslides is closely related to environmental factors, several other factors also contribute toward these landslides. Simple data observation of a single factor, such as displacement or rainfall, cannot clearly explain the relationship between landslide hazards and environmental factors in oil and gas pipeline areas. Based on the systematic summary of domestic and foreign pipeline landslide hazard monitoring and data analysis technologies, this study selects the high-risk section of an oil and gas transmission pipeline area as the research object and analyzes the characteristics and distribution of geological hazards along the pipeline. Studies have shown that the overlying soil of the landslide body, with an uneven thickness of approximately 3 m, consists of two reflection layers reflecting the electromagnetic signals of radar. Between November 2019 and November 2020, the maximum monthly cumulative rainfall occurred in June 2020, which was 419.7 mm, in addition to a cumulative rainfall of up to 108 mm that occurred in a single day. During this time, the soil moisture content at a depth of 1.5 m is the most sensitive factor in response to rainfall events. The water content of the soil fluctuates with depth due to diffusion and seepage. After a heavy rainfall, the leading edge of the landslide exhibited displacement and dragged the trailing edge along with it. The pipeline strain also fluctuated significantly with the displacement. The effect on the pipe changed from compressive strain to tensile strain and back to compressive strain, indicating that a landslide due to rainfall causes concentrated stress and deformation of the pipeline, thereby affecting its safety.