One possible source of electrical failure in electronic equipment is arc tracking in organic insulating materials. Various tests have been devised to rank materials according to this property. The results of experiments evaluating the International Electrotechnical Commission test for comparative tracking index and the effects of varying certain test conditions on the resulting index are discussed.
Issue Section:
Research Papers
, G. R.
, “Present Status of ASTM Tracking Test Methods
,” Journal of Testing and Evaluation
0090-3973, Vol. 2
, No. 1
, 01
, pp. 23
, O.
, “Testing of Electrical Tracking Resistance of Polymeric Insulation
,” Ph.D. thesis, Electrical Power Engineering Dept., Technical University of Denmark
, Lyngby, Denmark, 01
Recommended Method for Determining the Comparative Tracking Index of Solid Insulating Materials Under Moist Conditions
,” Publication 112, 2nd. ed., International Electrotechnical Commission
, Geneva
, 1971
, J. V.
, Ed., The Testing of Polymers
, Interscience Publishers
, New York
, 1965
, p. 330.5.
, T. E.
, “A Better Way to Evaluate Arc Tracking
,” Modern Plastics
0026-8275, 08
, pp. 58
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