A materials testing system has been developed for isothermal and differential thermal fatigue testing of metal specimens. A closed-loop thermal cycle is provided by an induction heater and a gas-liquid cooling manifold. Mechanical control of the specimen, as a direct function of temperature, is provided by a closed-loop electrohydraulic system capable of operating in load, stroke, or strain control. A mechanical diametral extensometer was developed to work with soft materials. A unique specimen design and its related hardware make possible the investigation of materials of widely varying properties, including copper alloys and alloy steels.
Issue Section:
Research Papers
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0076-6690, Vol. 6
, No. 24
, 1961
, pp. 387
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, D. J.
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, 1970
, T.
and Wada
, T.
, “Thermal Effect on Low-Cycle Fatigue Strength of Steels
,” in Thermal Stresses and Thermal Fatigue
, Butterworths
, London
, 1970
, pp. 109
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