The compressive strength of slag-blended cement paste under steam curing was evaluated using a nondestructive electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) method. In the slag-blended cement paste, four slag replacement ratios (0 %, 20 %, 50 %, and 70 %) and two curing conditions (standard curing and steam curing) were employed. The topological structure of the EIS was analyzed, inclusive of the Nyquist diagram and the Bode diagram. In the analysis of the Bode diagram, a parameter called the diffusion impedance had an inverse ratio to the porosity of paste. Results showed that the diffusion impedance reduced with increasing the slag replacement ratio at 3 days, while the influence of the slag content on the diffusion impedance was negligible at 28 days. The diffusion impedance of slag-blended cement paste under standard curing was lower than that under steam curing at 3 days, while the difference at 28 days was not evident. In addition, an exponential model between the compressive strength and the diffusion impedance was proposed. A relatively weak relationship of the model was found in the paste containing 70 % slag, with 0.87 regression coefficient. Nevertheless, a strong correlation was found in the cement paste when the slag replacement was no more than 50 %, where the regression coefficient was above 0.95.