A universal panel tester was built at the University of Houston to test reinforced concrete panel elements subjected to any combination of in-plane and out-of-plane forces. The forces are applied by 40 in-plane hydraulic jacks of 250-kip (1120-kN) capacity each and 20 out-of-plane hydraulic jacks of 140-kip (630-kN) capacity. The sophisticated hydraulic system makes it possible to simulate any complex stress condition in a panel.
Issue Section:
Research Papers
, T. T. C.
, Belarbi
, A.
, and Pang
, X.
, “A Universal Panel Tester
,” Research Report No. UHCEE 91-1, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Houston
, Houston, TX, 07
, 51 pp.2.
, Y.
and Yamada
, K.
, “An Experimental Approach to the Design of Network Reinforcement Against In-Plane Shear in Reinforced Concrete Containments
,” Transactions
, 5th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology
, Berlin
, Division J4/7, pp. 1
, F.
and Collins
, M. P.
, “Stress-Strain Characteristics of Reinforced Concrete in Pure Shear
,” Final Report, International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering
, Colloquium on Advanced Mechanics of Reinforced Concrete
, Delft
, pp. 211
, T. T. C.
, “Softening Truss Model Theory for Shear and Torsion
,” Structural Journal of the American Concrete Institute
, Vol. 85
, No. 6
, November–December 1988, pp. 624
, T. T. C.
, Unified Theory of Reinforced Concrete
, CRC Press Inc.
, Boca Raton, FL
, 1993
, 336 pp.6.
, A.
, “Stress-Strain Relationships of Reinforced Concrete in Biaxial Tension-Compression
,” Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Houston
, Houston, TX, 05
, 501 pp.7.
, A.
and Hsu
, T. T. C.
, “Constitutive Laws of Reinforced Concrete in Biaxial Tension-Compression
,” Research Report No. UHCEE 91–2, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Houston
, Houston, TX, 07
, 169 pp.8.
, X. B.
, “Constitutive Laws of Reinforced Concrete in Shear
,” Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Houston
, Houston, TX, 12
, 403 pp.9.
, X. B.
and Hsu
, T. T. C.
, “Constitutive Laws of Reinforced Concrete in Shear
,” Research Report No. UHCEE 92-1, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Houston
, Houston, TX, 12
, 188 pp.
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