A microprocessor-based system has been developed to control varying temperature during material characterization tests. The system controls temperature independently over four zones. Four control zones are used in order to provide two-dimensional temperature control on a flat plate specimen. Specimen cooling is provided by forced air through shower head type nozzles.
Issue Section:
Research Papers
, S. W.
, “Low Cycle Thermal Mechanical Fatigue Testing
,” in Thermal Fatigue of Materials and Components
, ASTM STP 612, Spera
D. A.
and Mowbray
D. F.
, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials
, Philadelphia
, 1976
, pp. 157
, C. A.
, Jr., Gemma
, A. E.
, and Leverant
, G. R.
, “Thermal-Mechanical Fatigue Crack Propagation in Nickel- and Cobalt-Base Superalloys Under Various Strain-Temperature Cycles
,” in Fatigue at Elevated Temperatures
. ASTM STP 520, American Society for Testing and Materials
, 1973
, pp. 166
, M. A. H.
, “Evaluation of Thermal Fatigue Resistance of Metals Using the Fluidized Bed Technique
,” in Fatigue at Elevated Temperatures
, ASTM STP 520, American Society for Testing and Materials
, Philadelphia
, pp. 242
, G. K.
, Miller
, D. L.
, and Nicholas
, T.
, “Sustained Load Crack Growth in Inconel 718 Under Non-Isothermal Conditions
,” Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology
0094-4289, in press.
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