A Metal Properties Council (MPC) task group was set up in June 1976 to find solutions to the problem of Alloy A-286 disk failures in the gas turbine industry. The task group submitted a proposal to MPC for a test program to (1) develop the necessary data to make a recommendation to ASTM for consideration of a revised acceptance test in ASTM Specification for Precipitation Hardening Iron Base Superalloys Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for High-Temperature Service (A 638), and (2) validate the effectiveness of improving the notch ductility of Alloy A-286 through multiple aging treatment. These creep and rupture tests of Alloy A-286 at elevated temperatures are described in this paper.
Issue Section:
Research Papers
, E.
, Handbuch der Sonderstahlkunde
, Vol. II
, Springer-Verlag
, Berlin
, 1956
, T. W.
, “Effect of Aging Cycle on the Properties of an Iron-Base Alloy Hardened with Titanium
,” Transactions of ASM
, Vol. 50
, 1958
, T. W.
, “The Response of an Iron-Base Alloy, Hardened with Titanium, to Various Aging Times and Temperatures
,” Transactions of ASM
, Vol. 51
, 1959
, C. B.
, Aggen
, G. N.
, and Dyrkacz
, W. W.
, Report H-0111-8, Allegheny-Ludlum Steel Corp.
, 01
, H. J.
and Hagel
, W. C.
, “Intermetallic Compounds in Titanium-Hardened Alloys
,” Journal of Metals
0148-6608, 07
, pp. 911
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