Although substantial progress has been achieved in inductively coupled plasma (ICP) spectroscopy placing it among the principle spectroscopy tools in analytical research and applications laboratories, some limitations exist especially for the analysis of ultratrace concentration levels in minute samples. The application of chemical and instrumental techniques to enhance the concentration levels of analytes is practical but complicated by the requirements of maintaining the multielement nature of ICP spectroscopy. Various approaches are described to extend the use and reduce the limitations of ICP atomic emission spectroscopy.
Issue Section:
Research Papers
, R. M.
, “Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy: A Review
,” Trends in Analytical Chemistry
, Vol. 1
, No. 2
, 1981
, pp. 51
, R. M.
, “Recent Advances in Emission Spectroscopy: Inductively Coupled Plasma Discharges for Spectrochemical Analysis
,” Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry
1040-8347, Vol. 7
, No. 3
, 09
, pp. 203
, R. M.
, “Recent Advances in Analytical Atomic Radiofrequency Emission Spectroscopy
,” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London
0370-2316, Series A, Vol. 305
, No. 1491
, 07
, pp. 499
, R. M.
, “Recent Developments in Emission Spectroscopy with Inductively Coupled Plasma Discharge
,” Karl-Marx-Universitaet Leipzig Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift
, Vol. 28
, No. 4
, 1979
, pp. 383
, V. A.
, “Analytical Spectroscopy with Inductively Coupled Plasmas—Present Status and Future Prospects
,” in Recent Advances in Analytical Spectroscopy
, Fuwa
, Ed., Pergamon Press
, Oxford
, 1982
, pp. 1
, J. P.
, “ICP-AES at the Beginning of the Eighties
,” Progress in Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy
, Vol. 5
, No. 2/3, 1982
, pp. 79
, J. P.
, Mermet
, J. M.
, Abdallah
, M. H.
, Batal
, A.
, and Trassy
, C.
, “Role of Plasma Gas in Emission Spectroscopy
,” in Recent Advances in Analytical Spectroscopy
, Fuwa
, Ed., Pergamon Press
, Oxford
, 1982
, pp. 75
, P. W. J. M.
, McKenna
, R. J.
, and Bosveld
, M.
, “Analysis of the Limiting Noise and Identification of Some Factors that Dictate the Detection Limits in a Low-Power Inductively Coupled Argon Plasma System
,” Spectrochimica Acta
0038-6987, Vol. 36B
, No. 11
, 1981
, pp. 1031
, P. W. J. M.
, “Selection and Detection of ICP Radiation
,” in Recent Advances in Analytical Spectroscopy
, Fuwa
, Ed., Pergamon Press
, Oxford
, 1982
, pp. 61
, J. D.
, “Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry. Past, Present, and Future
,” in Recent Advances in Analytical Spectroscopy
, Fuwa
, Ed., Pergamon Press
, Oxford
, 1982
, pp. 151
, D. R.
and Allemand
, C. D.
, “Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry with an Inductively Coupled Plasma as an Atomization Cell and Pulsed Hollow Cathode Lamps for Excitation
,” Analytical Chemistry
0003-2700, Vol. 53
, No. 12
, 10
, pp. 1915
, D. R.
, Busch
, D. A.
, and Allemand
, C. D.
, “Simultaneous Multielement Analysis Using ICP Atomic Fluoresence Spectroscopy
,” American Laboratory
, Vol. 14
, No. 3
, 03
, pp. 167
, N.
, Cavalli
, P.
, and Rossi
, G.
, “Inductively Coupled Plasma and Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry: A Versatile Tool for the Analysis of Metals at Trace, Minor and Major Concentration Levels
,” Reviews in Analytical Chemistry
, Vol. 5
, No. 3/4
, 1981
, pp. 185
, R. S.
, Fassel
, V. A.
, Flesch
, G. D.
, Svec
, H. J.
, Gray
, A. L.
, and Taylor
, C. E.
, “Inductively Coupled Argon Plasma as an Ion Source for Mass Spectrometric Determination of Trace Elements
,” Analytical Chemistry
0003-2700, Vol. 52
, No. 14
, 12
, pp. 2283
, R. S.
, Svec
, H. J.
, and Fassel
, V. A.
, “Mass Spectrometric Evidence for Suprathermal Ionization in an Inductively Coupled Argon Plasma
,” Applied Spectroscopy
0003-7028, Vol. 35
, No. 4
, July/Aug. 1981, pp. 380
, A. R.
and Gray
, A. L.
, “Plasma Source Mass Spectrometry and a High Resolution Quadrupole Mass Filter
,” Analyst
, Vol. 106
, No. 1269
, 12
, pp. 1249
, A. R.
and Gray
A. L.
, “Progress in Plasma Source Mass Spectrometry
,” Spectrochimica Acta
0038-6987, Vol. 38B
, No. 1/2
, 1983
, pp. 29
, D. J.
, Quan
, E. S. K.
, and Smith
, R. G.
, “Elemental Analysis with an Atmospheric Pressure Plasma (MIP, ICP)/Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer System
,” Spectrochimica Acta
0038-6987, Vol. 38B
, No. 1/2
, 1983
, pp. 39
, J. A. C.
, “Emission Spectroscopic Instrumentation—An Inventory
,” Spectrochimica Acta
0038-6987, Vol. 36B
, No. 6
, 1981
, pp. 563
, J. A. C.
, “Atomic Emission Spectroscopy Instrumentation
,” Spectrochimica Acta
0038-6987, Vol. 37B
, No. 4
, 1982
, pp. 359
, J. A. C.
, “Atomic Emission Spectroscopy Instrumentation
,” Spectrochimica Acta
0038-6987, Vol. 37B
, No. 8
, 1982
, pp. 727
, M. S.
and Sharp
, B. L.
Eds., Annual Reports on Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy
, Vol. 10
, Royal Society of Chemistry
, London
, 1981
, S. W.
and Salin
, E. D.
, “Detection Systems for Multielement Analysis with Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy
,” Canadian Journal of Spectroscopy
0045-5105, Vol. 27
, No. 2
, 04
, pp. 25
, J. P.
, Jackson
, M. E.
, Ridgeway
, T. H.
, and Caruson
, J. A.
, “Inductively Coupled Plasma-BASIC Programmable Computer-Controlled Double Monochromator for Sequential Multielement Analysis
,” Analytical Chemistry
0003-2700, Vol. 53
, No. 9
, 08
, pp. 1512
de Galan
, L.
, Kornblum
, G. R.
, and de Loos-Vollebregt
, M. T. C.
, “Automated Atomic Spectrometric Analysis
,” in Recent Advances in Analytical Spectroscopy
, Fuwa
, Ed., Pergamon Press
, Oxford
, 1982
, pp. 33
, R. M.
, Ed., Developments in Atomic Plasma Spectrochemical Analysis
, Heyden, London and Philadelphia
, 1981
, R. M.
, Ed., 1982 Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry
, ICP Information Newsletter
, Amherst, MA
, 1982
, S.
and Lawrence
, D. M.
, Eds., Atomic Spectroscopy
, Perkin-Elmer Corp.
, Brookfield, CT
, 1980
to present.29.
, E. K.
, Ed., Jarrell-Ash Plasma Newsletter
, Jarrell-Ash Division, Fisher Scientific Co.
, Waltham, MA
, 1978–1983.30.
, H.
, Ed., Quarterly Journal of Plasma Spectroscopy
, University of Tokyo
, Tokyo, Japan
, 1981
to present.31.
, R. M.
, Ed., ICP Information Newsletter
, University of Massachusetts
, Amherst, MA
, 1977
to present.32.
, P. W. J. M.
, “Conversion of ‘Table of Spectral-Line Intensities’ for NBS Copper Arc Into Table for Inductively Coupled Argon Plasmas
,” Spectrochimica Acta
0038-6987, Vol. 36B
, No. 3
, pp. 169
, P. W. J. M.
, Line Coincidence Tables for Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry
, Vol. 1
and Vol. 2, Pergamon Press
, Oxford
, 1980
, M. L.
, Forester
, A.
, and Anderson
, D.
, An Atlas of Spectral Interferences in ICP Spectroscopy
, Plenum Press
, New York and London
, 1980
, R. K.
, Fassel
, V. A.
, Peterson
, V. J.
, and Floyd
, M. A.
, “ICP Emission Spectrometry: On the Selection of Analytical Lines, Line Coincidence Tables, and Wavelength Tables
,” Applied Spectroscopy
0003-7028, Vol. 36
, No. 3
, May/June 1982, pp. 210
, E.
and Mermet
, J. M.
, “Iron Spectrum in the 200–300 nm Range Emitted by an Inductively Coupled Argon Plasma
,” Spectrochimica Acta
0038-6987, Vol. 37B
, No. 2
, 1982
, pp. 145
, A. R.
, Anderson
, T. A.
, and Parsons
, M. L.
, “ICP Spectra: I Background Emission
,” Applied Spectroscopy
0003-7028, Vol. 36
, No. 5
, Sept./Oct. 1982, pp. 499
, T. A.
, Forester
, A. R.
, and Parson
, M. L.
, “ICP Emission Spectra: II Alkaline Earth Elements
,” Applied Spectroscopy
0003-7028, Vol. 36
, No. 5
, Sept./Oct. 1982, pp. 499
, J. M.
and Trassy
, C.
, “A Spectrometric Study of a 40 MHz Inductively Coupled Plasma—V. Discussion of Spectral Interferences and Line Intensities
,” Spectrochimica Acta
0038-6987, Vol. 36B
, No. 4
, 1981
, pp. 269
, A.
, Jarosz
, J.
, and Mermet
, J. M.
, “A Spectrometric Study of a 40 MHz Inductively Coupled Plasma—VI. Argon Continuum in the Visible Region of the Spectrum
,” Spectrochimica Acta
0038-6987, Vol. 36B
, No. 10
, 1981
, pp. 983
, A.
, Jarosz
, J.
and Mermet
, J. M.
, “A Spectrometric Study of a 40 MHz Inductively Coupled Plasma—VII. Continuum of a Binary Mixture in the Visible Region of the Spectrum
,” Spectrochimica Acta
0038-6987, Vol. 37B
, No. 6
, 1982
, pp. 511
, A.
and Mermet
, J. M.
, “Calculation of Some Line Profiles in ICP-AES Assuming a Van der Waals Potential
,” Spectrochimica Acta
0038-6987, Vol. 36B
, No. 10
, 1981
, pp. 993
, H.
, Oshio
, Y.
, and Mizuike
, A.
, “Interferometric Measurements of Spectral Line Widths Emitted by an Inductively Coupled Plasma
,” Spectrochimica Acta
0038-6987, Vol. 37B
, No. 9
, 1982
, pp. 809
, G. F.
and Fassel
, V. A.
, “Line Broadening and Radiative Recombination Background Interferences in Inductively Coupled Plasma—Atomic Emission Spectroscopy
,” Applied Spectroscopy
0003-7028, Vol. 33
, No. 6
, Nov./Dec. 1979, pp. 592
, A.
, Fassel
, V. A.
, and Larson
, G. F.
, “Electron Number Densities in Analytical Inductively Coupled Plasmas as Determined via Series Limit Line Merging
,” Applied Spectroscopy
0003-7028, Vol. 35
, No. 4
, July/Aug. 1981, pp. 385
, H. R.
and Dahlquist
, R. L.
, “ICP Background Correction Techniques
,” American Laboratory
, Vol. 13
, No. 11
, 11
, pp. 152
, P.
, Fisher
, C. G.
, III, and Barnard
, T.
, “Data Acquisition in a Sequential Scanning ICP
,” Atomic Spectroscopy
0195-5373, Vol. 3
, No. 2
, March–April 1982, pp. 45
, J. W.
and Berman
, S. S.
, “Application of a Wavelength Modulation Inductively Coupled Plasma—Echelle Spectrometer to Cd and Pb Determinations in Marine Samples
,” Applied Spectroscopy
0003-7028, Vol. 35
, No. 4
, July/Aug. 1981, pp. 403
, P. W. J. M.
, “Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy: Its Present and Future Position in Analytical Chemistry
,” Optica Pura Y Aplicada
, Vol. 11
, 1978
, pp. 143
, S. R.
, Yates
, D. A.
, and Rybarczyk
, J. P.
, “Spatial Distribution of Analyte Species in the Inductively Coupled Plasma
,” in Recent Advances in Analytical Spectroscopy
, Fuwa
, Ed., Pergamon Press
, Oxford
, 1982
, pp. 51
, S. R.
, Jones
, J. S.
, Jester
, C. P.
, and Yates
, D. A.
, “Use of Spatial Emission Profiles and a Nomenclature System as Aids in Interpreting Matrix Effects in the Low-Power Argon Inductively Coupled Plasma
,” Spectrochimica Acta
0038-6987, Vol. 36B
, No. 1
, 1981
, pp. 49
, M. W.
and Horlick
, G.
, “The Vertical Spatial Characteristics of Analyte Emission in the Inductively Coupled Plasma
,” Spectrochimica Acta
0038-6987, Vol. 36B
, No. 9
, 1981
, pp. 861
, J. E.
, Bastiaans
, G. J.
, Fernandez
, M. A.
, and Fredeen
, K. J.
, “Spatial Distribution of Interference Effects in ICP Emission Analysis
,” Applied Spectroscopy
0003-7028, Vol. 36
, No. 4
, July/Aug. 1982, pp. 383
, J. M.
and Hubert
, J.
, “Analysis of Biological Materials Using Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy
,” Progress in Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy
0160-4139, Vol. 5
, No. 1
, 1982
, pp. 1
, D. E.
and Wegscheider
, W.
, “Preconcentration for Trace Element Determination in Aqueous Samples
,” Analytical Chemistry
0003-2700, Vol. 53
, No. 9
, 08
, pp. 1059A
, J. M.
and Sutley
, S. J.
, “Analysis of Oxalic Acid Leachates of Geologic Materials by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy
,” Applied Spectroscopy
0003-7028, Vol. 36
, No. 5
, Sept./Oct. 1982, pp. 524
, N.
and Fry
, R. C.
, “Slurry Atomization Direct Atomic Spectrochemical Analysis of Animal Tissue
,” Analytical Chemistry
0003-2700, Vol. 53
, No. 3
, 03
, pp. 450
, J. R.
, Ebdon
, L.
, and Jackson
, K. W.
, “Determination of Volatile Trace Metals in Coal by Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy
,” Analytical Proceedings
, Vol. 19
, No. 6
, 06
, pp. 305
, C. W.
, Hutton
, R. C.
, and Preston
, B.
, “Comparison of Flame, Electrothermal and Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomisation Techniques for the Direct Analysis of Slurries
,” Analyst
, Vol. 106
, No. 1266
, 09
, pp. 913
, B.
, “Nebuliser System for Analysis of High Salt Content Solutions with an Inductively Coupled Plasma
,” Analyst
, Vol. 106
, No. 1258
, 01
, pp. 54
, L.
and Cave
, M. R.
, “A Study of Pneumatic Nebulisation Systems for Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometry
,” Analyst
, Vol. 107
, No. 1271
, 02
, pp. 172
, G. F.
, Pirc
, V. V.
, and Ediger
, R. D.
, “A Hydrofluoric Acid-Resistant Sample Introduction System for ICP Emission Spectroscopy
,” Canadian Journal of Spectroscopy
0045-5105, Vol. 27
, No. 2
, 04
, pp. 46
, C. E.
and Floyd
, T. L.
, “Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometric Analysis of Environmental Samples Using Ultrasonic Nebulization
,” Applied Spectroscopy
0003-7028, Vol. 35
, No. 4
, July/Aug. 1981, pp. 408
, S. S.
, McLaren
, J. W.
, and Willie
, S. N.
, “Simultaneous Determination of Five Trace Metals in Seawater by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry with Ultrasonic Nebulization
,” Analytical Chemistry
0003-2700, Vol. 52
, No. 3
, 03
, pp. 488
, F. J. M. J.
, Balke
, J.
, and de Boer
, J. L. M.
, “Preservation of Accuracy and Precision in the Analytical Practice of Low Power ICP-AES
,” Spectrochimica Acta
0038-6987, Vol. 37B
, No. 6
, 1982
, pp. 517
, J. M.
, Pehlivania
, E.
, and Robin
, J.
, “Analysis of Blood Setrum by ICP-AES
,” in Developments in Atomic Plasma Spectrochemical Analysis
, Barnes
R. M.
, Ed., Heyden, London and Philadelphia
, 1981
, pp. 718
, A. W.
, Cresser
, M. S.
, and Browner
, R. F.
, “Evaporation Characteristics of Organic Solvent Aerosols Used in Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy
,” Spectrochimica Acta
0038-6987, Vol. 35B
, No. 11/12
, 1980
, pp. 823
, M. S.
, “Theoretical Aspects of Organic Solvent Enhancement Effects in Atomic Spectroscopy
,” Progress in Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy
0160-4139, Vol. 5
, No. 1
, 1982
, pp. 35
, D. D.
and Browner
, R. F.
, “Measurement of Aerosol Transport Efficiency in Atomic Spectroscopy
,” Analytical Chemistry
0003-2700, Vol. 54
, No. 3
, 03
, pp. 533
, A. W.
and Browner
, R. F.
, “Effects of Organic Solvents in Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy
,” Analytical Chemistry
0003-2700, Vol. 54
, No. 8
, 07
, pp. 1402
, R. F.
, Boorn
, A. W.
, and Smith
, D. D.
, “Aerosol Transport Model for Atomic Spectroscopy
,” Analytical Chemistry
0003-2700, Vol. 54
, No. 8
, 07
, pp. 1411
, D. W.
and Taylor
, L. T.
, “Nonaqueous On-Line Simultaneous Determination of Metals by Size Exclusion Chromatography with Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometric Detection
,” Analytical Chemistry
0003-2700, Vol. 53
, No. 8
, 07
, pp. 1223
, D. W.
and Taylor
, L. T.
, “Size Exclusion Chromatograpy of Organic Bound Metals and Coal-Derived Materials with Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometric Detection
,” Analytical Chemistry
0003-2700, Vol. 53
, No. 8
, 07
, pp. 1227
, J. A. C.
, Leis
, F.
, and Laqua
, K.
, “The Application of an Argon/Nitrogen Inductively-Coupled Plasma to the Analysis of Organic Solutions
,” Talanta
0039-9140, Vol. 28
, No. 10
, 10
, pp. 745
, B.
, Lienemann
, P.
, and Wunderli
, S.
, “Suppression of the Background Emission of an Inductively Coupled Argon Plasma by Feeding of Oxygen for the Spectral Analysis of Organic Solutions
,” GIT Fachz. Lab.
0016-3538, Vol. 26
, No. 6
, 1982
, pp. 541
, P. W. J. M.
and Luz-Steiner
, M. Ch.
, “Modification and Optimization of a 50 MHz Inductively Coupled Argon Plasma with Special References to Analysis Using Organic Solvents
,” Spectrochimica Acta
0038-6987, Vol. 37B
, No. 2
, 1982
, pp. 97
, C. W.
, Otsuki
, A.
, Okamoto
, K.
, Haraguchi
, H.
, and Fuwa
, K.
, “Simultaneous Determination of Trace Metals in Sea Water Using Dithiocarbamate Pre-concentration and Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometry
,” Analyst
, Vol. 106
, No. 1261
, 04
, pp. 419
, J. R.
and Viets
, J. G.
, “Multielement Extraction System for the Determination of 18 Trace Elements in Geochemical Samples
,” Analytical Chemistry
0003-2700, Vol. 53
, No. 1
, 01
, pp. 61
, J. R.
and Viets
, J. G.
, “Back-Extraction of Trace Elements from Organometallic-Halide Extracts for Determination by Flameless Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
,” Analytical Chemistry
0003-2700, Vol. 53
, No. 1
, 01
, pp. 65
, M. S.
, Thomas
, M. B.
, and Browner
, R. F.
, “Determination of Metal Chelates by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry and Applications to Biological Materials
,” Analytical Chemistry
0003-2700, Vol. 53
, No. 14
, 12
, pp. 2224
, R. V.
, Jr. and Merrill
, R. M.
, “Analysis of Chromates for Traces of Cr(III) by Solvent Extraction and Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry
,” Fresenius Zeitschrift für Analytische Chemie
, Vol. 311
, No. 1
, 02
, pp. 7
, A.
, Kimura
, A.
, and Umezaki
, Y.
, “Indirect Determination of Sub-ng ml−1 Levels of Phosphorus in Waters by Di-isobutyl Ketone Extraction of Reduced Molybdoantimonylphosphoric Acid and Inductively-Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometry
,” Analytica Chimica Acta
0003-2670, Vol. 138
, 06
, pp. 121
, L.
, Ward
, R. W.
, and Leathard
, D. A.
, “Approach to Trace-Metal Speciation in Environmental Samples
,” Analytical Proceedings
0144-557X, Vol. 19
, No. 3
, 03
, pp. 110
, J. C.
, “Review of Methods for Elemental Speciation Using Atomic Spectrometry Detectors for Chromatography
,” Canadian Journal of Spectroscopy
0045-5105, Vol. 26
, No. 4
, 1981
, pp. 22A
, P. C.
, “Plasma Emission Spectroscopic Detectors in Chromatography: A Review of a Developing Field
,” in Developments in Atomic Plasma Spectrochemical Analysis
, Barnes
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, Ed., Heyden, London and Philadelphia
, 1981
, pp. 302
, D. M.
, Yates
, D. A.
, Manahan
, S. E.
, Stalling
, D.
, and Petty
, J.
, “ICP-AES as a Multiple Element Detector for Metal Chelates Separated by HPLC
,” Applied Spectroscopy
0003-7028, Vol. 35
, No. 6
, Nov./Dec. 1981, pp. 525
, M.
and Uehiro
, T.
, “Determination of Phosphates by Liquid Chromatography with Inductively Coupled Argon Plasma Emission Spectrometric Detection
,” Analytical Chemistry
0003-2700, Vol. 53
, No. 11
, 11
, pp. 1997
, D. R.
, Denton
, M. B.
, and Schlabach
, T. D.
, “Determination of Nucleotides by Liquid Chromatography with a Phosphorus-Sensitive Inductively Coupled Plasma Detector
,” Analytical Chemistry
0003-2700, Vol. 54
, No. 1
, 01
, pp. 81
, B. S.
, Snable
, K. R.
, and Browner
, R. F.
, “Spray Chamber Placement and Mobile Phase Flow Rate Effect in Liquid Chromatography/Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry
,” Analytical Chemistry
0003-2700, Vol. 54
, No. 2
, 02
, pp. 162
, W. S.
, Landrum
, P. F.
, and Yates
, D. A.
, “Fractionation of Metal Forms in Natural Waters by Size Exclusion Chromatography with Inductively Coupled Argon Plasma Detection
,” Analytical Chemistry
0003-2700, Vol. 54
, No. 7
, 06
, pp. 1196
, I. S.
, Bushee
, D.
, Savage
, R. N.
, Schleicher
, R. G.
, Smith
, , S. B.
Jr., “Speciation of Cr(III) and Cr(IV) Via Reversed Phase HPLC with Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectroscopic Detection
,” Analytical Letters
0003-2719, Vol. 15
, No. A3
, 1982
, pp. 267
, D.
, Krull
, I. S.
, Savage
, R. N.
, and Smith
, , S. B.
Jr., “Metal Cation/Anion Speciation via Paired-Ion, Reversed Phase HPLC with Refractive Index and/or Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectroscopic Detection Methods
,” Journal of Liquid Chromatography
, Vol. 5
, No. 3
, 1982
, pp. 463
, , R. M.
Jr. and Fry
, R. C.
, “Near-Infrared Atomic Oxygen Emission in the Inductively Coupled Plasma and Oxygen-Selective Gas-Liquid Chromatography
,” Analytical Chemistry
0003-2700, Vol. 53
, No. 3
, 03
, pp. 532
, K.
and Sommer
, D.
, “Analysis of Liquid, Solid, and Gaseous Samples Using a High-Power Nitrogen/Argon ICP System
,” in Developments in Atomic Plasma Spectrochemical Analysis
, Barnes
R. M.
, Ed., Heyden, London and Philadelphia
, 1981
, pp. 321
, M. A.
, McCarthy
, J. P.
, and Caruso
, J. A.
, “Sequential Slew Scanning Monochromator as a Plasma Emission Chromatographic Detector for Determination of Volatile Hydrides
,” Analytical Chemistry
0003-2700, Vol. 54
, No. 2
, 02
, pp. 165
, M.
, Ito
, T.
, Baba
, M.
, Kawaguchi
, H.
, and Mizuike
, A.
, “Multielement Preconcentration of Trace Heavy Metals in Water by Coprecipitation and Flotation with Indium Hydroxide for Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy
,” Analytical Chemistry
0003-2700, Vol. 52
, No. 6
, 05
, pp. 804
, M. L.
, Yates
, D. A.
, and Knipschild
, K. E.
, “Isolation and Preconcentration of Trace Metals from Whole-Body Fish Tissue for Analysis by ICP-AES
,” 1982 Winter Conference on Plasma Spectro-chemistry
, ICP Information Newsletter
, Amherst, MA
, 1982
, p. 72.98.
, J. G.
and Lichte
, F. E.
, “Determination of Rare Earth Elements in Geological Materials by Inductively Coupled Argon Plasma/Atomic Emission Spectrometry
,” Analytical Chemistry
0003-2700, Vol. 54
, No. 8
, 07
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