A technique for measuring the oxygen transmission rate characteristics of moisture-sensitive barrier films is described. In this method, the operator constructs a thin sandwich in which the test specimen is confined between moist tissues and cover slips of an oxygen-transparent material. The assembled “sandwich” is tested in a conventional manner using the ASTM Test for Oxygen Gas Transmission Rate Through Plastic Film and Sheeting Using a Coulometric Sensor (D 3985). Using appropriate salt solutions, it has been found possible to develop profiles and measure the transmission characteristics of films exposed to different humidity environments. Preliminary tests using specimen duplicates indicate that the method is reproducible.
Issue Section:
Technical Notes
, L. J.
and Dorshner
, R. W.
, “Permeation Speeds Tests, Aids Choice of Exact Material
,” Package Engineering
, Vol. 28
, No. 23
, 03
, pp. 76
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