Fatigue tests of 7075-T6 aluminum alloy under synchronous pulsating triaxial stresses were performed with three different values of the intermediate principal stress. Thick-walled tubes were subjected to internal pressure plus axial stress such that the state of stress at the inner surface was as follows: in the first case, the intermediate principal stress was a compression equal to the internal pressure; in the second, it was a tension equal to the internal pressure; and in the third, it was a tension equal to the hoop stress at the inner surface. Results showed no effect of the intermediate principal stress.
Issue Section:
Research Papers
aluminum alloy,
combined stress,
failure theory,
principal stress,
triaxial fatigue
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, R. L.
, Nordmark
, G. E.
, Kaufman
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, “Fatigue and Fracture Characteristics of Aluminum Alloy Cylinders under Internal Pressure
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, J. L. M.
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, Vol. 174
, 1960
, p. 95.4.
, H. J.
, “Fatigue of Aircraft Structures
,” Naval Air Systems Command, Department of the Navy, Superintendent of Documents
, Washington, D.C.
, 1966
, pp. 320
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