This article presents a detailed analysis of parameters that affect the optical performance of parabolic trough solar collector (PTSC) and proposes a suitable method to optimize the relevant ones. A mathematical model is drafted and simulated for known geometry and parameters of industrial solar technology (IST) PTSC. The model was evaluated for three different configurations of IST PTSC involving distinct components. A comparison between the experimental results and model estimations indicates a maximum root-mean-square error (RMSE) of 0.7997, confirming the reliability of the proposed model. The influence of variations in absorber diameter (Dao), length (lrc), width (wrc), and focal length of PTSC (frc), along with direct normal incidence (In), dirt factors (ξdm, ξdhc), and angle of incidence (θ) on the optical performance of PTSC has been investigated. It was established that variation in mentioned parameters exhibits both positive and negative impacts on optical performance. After careful analysis, lrc, wrc, frc, Dao, and θ were chosen for optimization as it was perceived that by varying these in a reasonable range, an optimal set of parameters could be obtained that maximize the absorbed solar irradiation for a given PTSC. Genetic algorithm (GA), particle swarm optimization (PSO), and African vultures optimization algorithm (AVOA) are utilized to estimate the optimal values of parameters. Significant improvement in absorbed solar irradiation (∼16%) is registered with optimized parameters, suggesting that benefits can be obtained if a study is performed prior to producing PTSC modules for an application.