Deploying renewable energy systems (RES) to supply electricity faces many challenges related to cost and the variability of the renewable resources. One possible solution to these challenges is to hybridize RES with conventional power systems and include energy storage units. In this study, the feasibility analysis of a grid-connected photovoltaic (PV)-wind-battery hybrid system is presented as a microgrid for a university campus-scale community on a Mediterranean island. Models for PV and wind turbine systems are presented to estimate energy production, and net present cost (NPC) and levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) are used as economic metrics. A parametric study is performed with hourly time-steps to determine the sizes of energy generation and storage units to minimize the NPC for a small community as the case study. Two alternate configurations with and without storage are proposed. In both cases, the resulting LCOE is 0.15 USD/kWh while the current electricity tariff for the analyzed location was 0.175 USD/kWh in 2015. This lower unit cost of electricity leads to a lower NPC considering a 25-year lifetime. Different estimated and measured solar irradiance and wind speed data sets are used to evaluate the performance of the designed microgrid. Sensitivity analysis on different available weather data sets shows that the uncertainty in wind resource estimations is much higher than the uncertainty in solar resource estimations. Moreover, the results show that solar and wind resources could be utilized synergistically for the studied location.
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February 2018
Sizing of Photovoltaic-Wind-Battery Hybrid System for a Mediterranean Island Community Based on Estimated and Measured Meteorological Data
S. M. Sajed Sadati,
S. M. Sajed Sadati
Sustainable Environment and Energy Systems,
Middle East Technical University Northern
Cyprus Campus,
Guzelyurt via Mersin 10,
Kalkanli 99738, Turkey
Middle East Technical University Northern
Cyprus Campus,
Guzelyurt via Mersin 10,
Kalkanli 99738, Turkey
Search for other works by this author on:
Elham Jahani,
Elham Jahani
Sustainable Environment and Energy Systems,
Middle East Technical University Northern
Cyprus Campus,
Guzelyurt via Mersin 10,
Kalkanli 99738, Turkey
Middle East Technical University Northern
Cyprus Campus,
Guzelyurt via Mersin 10,
Kalkanli 99738, Turkey
Search for other works by this author on:
Onur Taylan,
Onur Taylan
Mechanical Engineering Program,
Middle East Technical University Northern
Cyprus Campus,
Guzelyurt via Mersin 10,
Kalkanli 99738, Turkey;
Middle East Technical University Northern
Cyprus Campus,
Guzelyurt via Mersin 10,
Kalkanli 99738, Turkey;
Center for Solar Energy Research and
Applications (GÜNAM),
Middle East Technical University,
Ankara 06800, Turkey
Applications (GÜNAM),
Middle East Technical University,
Ankara 06800, Turkey
Search for other works by this author on:
Derek K. Baker
Derek K. Baker
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Middle East Technical University,
Ankara 06800, Turkey;
Middle East Technical University,
Ankara 06800, Turkey;
Center for Solar Energy Research and
Applications (GÜNAM),
Middle East Technical University,
Ankara 06800, Turkey
Applications (GÜNAM),
Middle East Technical University,
Ankara 06800, Turkey
Search for other works by this author on:
S. M. Sajed Sadati
Sustainable Environment and Energy Systems,
Middle East Technical University Northern
Cyprus Campus,
Guzelyurt via Mersin 10,
Kalkanli 99738, Turkey
Middle East Technical University Northern
Cyprus Campus,
Guzelyurt via Mersin 10,
Kalkanli 99738, Turkey
Elham Jahani
Sustainable Environment and Energy Systems,
Middle East Technical University Northern
Cyprus Campus,
Guzelyurt via Mersin 10,
Kalkanli 99738, Turkey
Middle East Technical University Northern
Cyprus Campus,
Guzelyurt via Mersin 10,
Kalkanli 99738, Turkey
Onur Taylan
Mechanical Engineering Program,
Middle East Technical University Northern
Cyprus Campus,
Guzelyurt via Mersin 10,
Kalkanli 99738, Turkey;
Middle East Technical University Northern
Cyprus Campus,
Guzelyurt via Mersin 10,
Kalkanli 99738, Turkey;
Center for Solar Energy Research and
Applications (GÜNAM),
Middle East Technical University,
Ankara 06800, Turkey
Applications (GÜNAM),
Middle East Technical University,
Ankara 06800, Turkey
Derek K. Baker
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Middle East Technical University,
Ankara 06800, Turkey;
Middle East Technical University,
Ankara 06800, Turkey;
Center for Solar Energy Research and
Applications (GÜNAM),
Middle East Technical University,
Ankara 06800, Turkey
Applications (GÜNAM),
Middle East Technical University,
Ankara 06800, Turkey
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Solar Energy Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF SOLAR ENERGY ENGINEERING: INCLUDING WIND ENERGY AND BUILDING ENERGY CONSERVATION. Manuscript received March 26, 2017; final manuscript received November 2, 2017; published online November 30, 2017. Assoc. Editor: Geoffrey T. Klise.
J. Sol. Energy Eng. Feb 2018, 140(1): 011006 (12 pages)
Published Online: November 30, 2017
Article history
March 26, 2017
November 2, 2017
Sajed Sadati, S. M., Jahani, E., Taylan, O., and Baker, D. K. (November 30, 2017). "Sizing of Photovoltaic-Wind-Battery Hybrid System for a Mediterranean Island Community Based on Estimated and Measured Meteorological Data." ASME. J. Sol. Energy Eng. February 2018; 140(1): 011006.
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