The unsteady vortex method has been extended to account for blade flexibility and tower interference. These are two potential sources of unsteadiness of the flow past a wind turbine blade. The cases presented correspond to an incoming flow speed and low yaw angles and , 10, and and zero yaw. Comparisons of the root flap bending moments predicted by the model with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) experimental data indicate that the NREL blades designed for the wind tunnel campaigns are quite rigid and that the tower interference is responsible for unsteadiness that is well captured by the model for zero yaw as well as for yaw of 5, 10 and .
Issue Section:
Research Papers
, J-J.
, 2002, “Design and Analysis of Wind Turbines Using Helicoidal Vortex Model
,” Comput. Fluid Dyn. J.
0918-6654, 11
), pp. 50
, J-J.
, 2003, “Optimization of Wind Turbines Using Helicoidal Vortex Model
,” Sol. Energy
0038-092X, 125
, pp. 418
, J-J.
, 2006, “Helicoidal Vortex Model for Steady and Unsteady Flows
,” AIAA Paper No. 0829; 4.
, J. M.
, and Chattot
, J-J.
, 2005, “Validation of a Helicoidal Vortex Model with the NREL Unsteady Aerodynamic Experiment
,” Comput. Fluid Dyn. J.
0918-6654, 14
), pp. 236
, D.
, Schreck
, S.
, Hand
, M.
, and Fingersh
, L. J.
, 2001, “NREL Unsteady Aerodynamics Experiment in the NASA-Ames Wind Tunnel: A Comparison of Predictions to Measurements
,” NREL/TP-500-29494.6.
, J. M.
, and Buhl
, M. L.
Jr., 2004, “New Developments for the NWTC’s FAST Aeroelastic HAWT Simulator
,” AIAA Paper No. 0504.7.
, S. H.
, and Chattot
, J-J.
, 2005, “A Parallelized Coupled Navier-Stokes/Vortex-Panel Solver
,” Sol. Energy
0038-092X, 127
, pp. 475
, M. M.
, Simms
, D. A.
, Fingersh
, L. J.
, Jager
, D. W.
, Cotrell
, J. R.
, Schreck
, S. J.
, and Larwood
, S. M.
, 2001, “Unsteady Aerodynamics Experiment Phase VI: Wind Tunnel Test Configurations and Available Data Campaigns
,” NREL/TP-500-29955, National Renewable Laboratory, Golden, CO.9.
, M. H.
, 2004, “Stability Analysis of Three-Bladed Turbines Using an Eigenvalue Approach
,” AIAA Paper No. 0505.10.
, F. N.
, Wang
, T.
, and Galbraith
, R. A. McD
, 2002, “An Examination of Key Aerodynamic Modeling Issues Raised by the NREL Blind Comparison
,” AIAA Paper No. 0038.Copyright © 2006
by American Society of Mechanical Engineers
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