
Recent advancements in physics-informed machine learning have contributed to solving partial differential equations through means of a neural network. Following this, several physics-informed neural network works have followed to solve inverse problems arising in structural health monitoring. Other works involving physics-informed neural networks solve the wave equation with partial data and modeling wavefield data generator for efficient sound data generation. While a lot of work has been done to show that partial differential equations can be solved and identified using a neural network, little work has been done the same with more basic machine learning (ML) models. The advantage with basic ML models is that the parameters learned in a simpler model are both more interpretable and extensible. For applications such as ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation, this interpretability is essential for trustworthiness of the methods and characterization of the material system under test. In this work, we show an interpretable, physics-informed representation learning framework that can analyze data across multiple dimensions (e.g., two dimensions of space and one dimension of time). The algorithm comes with convergence guarantees. In addition, our algorithm provides interpretability of the learned model as the parameters correspond to the individual solutions extracted from data. We demonstrate how this algorithm functions with wavefield videos.

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