General purpose fissile package prototypes of two configurations, 16 in. and 18.5 in. diameter drum overpacks, were subjected to the free-drop, crush, puncture, and thermal hypothetical accident condition sequential tests for 10 CFR 71, Type B packagings. The tests demonstrated that the prototypes are very robust, easily withstanding the structural tests. The tests also confirmed that the urethane foam-filled overpack was able to withstand the thermal test.
Issue Section:
Materials and Fabrication
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10, U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Pt. 71.
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Proof/Leak Test Procedure
, L9.4-8313, Revision 3, EESD/IES Procedures Manual L9.4, Savannah River National Laboratory, Aiken, SC.Copyright © 2009
by American Society of Mechanical Engineers
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