This special issue of the Journal is the collection of papers in the subject area of fluid-solid interaction. These are complex and challenging problems for engineering communities, including the ASME Pressure and Piping community. Fluid-solid interaction problems cover a broad range of engineering applications such as flow-induced vibration, sloshing, propeller thrust, underwater explosion, biomechanics, etc. Focus of interest may be placed on fluids with the effect of solids, solids with the effects of fluids, or both. In any case, proper understanding and careful assessment of interaction among different media is very important for reliable design of components.
The work published here is representative of current research activities and contribution to the advancement of fluid-solid interaction problems. A complement to these articles is M. K. Au-Yang’s new book, Flow Induced Vibration of Power and Process Plant Components–A Practical Work Book (ASME Press), which offers a consolidated source of information on the...