This paper presents guidelines for flow-induced vibration analysis of tubes and tube bundles such as those commonly encountered in steam generators, heat exchangers, condensers and nuclear fuel bundles. It was proposed as a nonmandatory code to be included in Section III Appendix N (N-1300 series) of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler Code. In preparing this code, the authors tried to limit themselves to the better-defined flow excitation mechanisms—vortex-induced vibration, fluid-elastic instability and turbulence-induced vibration—and include only the more-established methods. References are, however, given for other methods whenever justified. This guideline covers only design analysis. A companion guideline on the testing and data analysis of heat exchanger tube banks was proposed as part of the ASME Code on Operations and Maintenance of Nuclear Plants. The latter is not included in this paper.

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