Frequently Asked Questions
ASME is currenlty on the latest version of our vendor's platform. This latest version provides a new look and new features that include:
- Responsive web pages for better desktop and mobile experience
- Complete re-design of the Conference Proceedings structure
- An enhanced user experience (UX) that provides simplified navigation, and inline figures and tables
Browser Compatibility
We recommend using the most current version (or the version released just prior to) of Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Microsoft Edge.
Note: Internet Explorer is no longer supported by Microsoft and will not correctly render the site.
Access Information
The ASME Digital Collection domain will remain the same:
Each product will have a subdirectory.
Table of URLs
Key ASME Digital Collection Pages | Site URL [] |
ASME Digital Collection | |
ASME Proceedings | | |
| |
ASME eBooks | |
ASME Journals | | |
OCLC EZproxy Configuration
The EZproxy database definition is not changing.
Direct URL-based linking
Since some base URLs have changed as a result of migration (see below), please update your systems that use Direct URL to enable linking. We support the DOI syntax for Proceedings and journal articles.
Linking to ASME Products
Best for linking to any ASME Digital Collection content, use the format below.
Best format to use:
For linking to journals, use the format below (ignore brackets in creating your URL—they are only used to indicate an insertion).
Article by DOI:
URL format:[journal subdirectory]/article-lookup/DOI/[ ]
Article by volume/issue/page or CID:
URL format:[journal subdirectory]/article-lookup/[volume]/[issue]/[page or CID]
Journal issue TOC:
This example will take you to the TOC page for the most recently closed issue, and also allow you to pick from the dropdown menu any other issue.
URL format:[journal subdirectory]/issue
This structure will allow you to go directly to the TOC for any volume and issue for the journal.
URL format:[journal subdirectory]/issue/[volume]/[issue]
Journal by year:
This will take you to the journal’s select by year page.
URL format:[journal subdirectory]/issue/browse-by-year
For linking to Proceedings, use the format below (ignore brackets in creating your URL—they are only used to indicate an insertion).
Proceedings Paper by DOI:
URL format:[ ]
Proceedings Paper by Proceedings Series and DOI:
URL format:[proceedings series subdirectory]/proceeding-lookup/doi/[ ]
Proceedings volume TOC:
This example will take you to the TOC page for the first volume of recently published Proceedings, and also allow you to pick from the dropdown menu any other volume.
URL format:[proceedings series subdirectory]/volumes
Proceedings by year:
This will take you to the Proceedings Series select by conference page.
URL format:[proceedings series subdirectory]/volumes/browse-by-conference
Email Alerts
All email alerts are personalized to the user, and you must create a personal account to add new alerts to your profile. To set up email alerts, you must first login to The ASME Digital Collection. If you do not have a login, you can easily create a login with a valid email address. If you are an existing ASME customer or member, please use the email address listed on your ASME Customer Account to create your login profile.
New to the ASME Digital Collection
Create your login with a valid email address.
Step 1: Click on “Sign In”
Step 2: Click “Sign In Or Register For Account”
Step 3: The system will prompt you to enter your valid email address and password or “Sign Up”
Step 4: Click “Log in to Continue” or follow the prompts to create a new account
Change your Password or Forgot Password
If you need to reset your password, please follow these steps.
Step 1: Click on “Sign In”
Step 2: Click “Sign In Or Register For Account”
Step 3: Click “Forgot password?”
Step 4: Enter your email address and click “Reset Password” and follow the prompts
Institutional Users
Even though you may be authenticated through your company’s/sector’s subscription, you will still need to create a personal account to set up email alerts. All alerts are personalized, and you must create a personal account to add new alerts to your profile. You can be authenticated via your company’s/sectors’s subscriptions and login to your personal profile.
How to Sign-up for Email Alerts
Please be sure you are signed into your account on The ASME Digital Collection.
Step 1: Click on your account name at the top right of the screen.
Step 2: Then select “My Alert”
Via the My Alerts page, you can add any of the following:
- Journal Issue Alerts
- Journal Accepted Manuscript Alerts
- New eBook Alerts
- Latest Conference Proceedings Alerts
My Alerts
Once you are on the “My Alerts” page, click “Add Alerts” for the alert type you are interested in.
Check on one or more boxes you wish to receive alerts for.
Click on “Save Changes” to save your choice(s).
The alerts you have signed up for will now be listed on the "My Alerts" page.
There are additional alerts that can be added, but you must navigate to the page first. For example:
- Search Alerts
- Article/Proceedings Paper Activity Alerts
Search Alerts
A user can save a search and the system will prompt you to confirm if you like the email search alert.
You can customize your search to be more specific before you sign up for a search alert.
You can click on “Add Term” and select any of the dropdown options under the term to create a refined search.
Make sure you name/label your personalized search.
Once you click on “Save search”, you will be presented with a pop up box that your search was successfully saved.
Saved Searches
To review all your saved searches, click on your name located on the upper right-hand corner, select the down arrow to expand the menu, and click on Saved Searches.
Article/Proceedings Paper Activity Alert
Article Activity Alert
To save an Article Activity Alert, please navigate to an article within any journal.
At the journal article level, you can sign up for any of the following:
- Article Activity Alert
- Accepted Manuscript Alert
- New Issue Alert
Standard View
Split View
Proceedings Paper Activity Alert
To save a Proceedings Paper Activity Alert, please navigate to any Proceedings Paper within any Proceedings Series.
At the Proceedings Paper Level, you can sign up for any of the following:
- Proceedings Paper Activity Alert
- Latest Conference Proceedings Alert
Other Page Locations to Sign up for Email Alerts
Journal Issues Page
Journal Accepted Manuscript Page
eBook Page
Conference Proceedings Series Volume Page
How do I update my institution's IP addresses?
IP address changes will be administered by The ASME Digital Collection staff. IP address changes should be emailed to
How do I update the administrator contact information on my account or change my SiteMaster password?
Changes to library administrator assignment or updates to administrator contact information should be emailed to Changes to both institutional and personal username and password also should be emailed to
Will the platform support institutional branding?
If your institution has The ASME Digital Collection subscription, you may add your logo to all main landing (content home) pages. Logos should be emailed to In addition, your institution's name will be displayed on each page when a user's IP is recognized as coming from your institution.
The maximum dimensions for your institution's logo are 100px high x 300px wide in JPEG, GIF, and/or PNG format. If you prefer, you may send us a high resolution EPS and we will prepare your logo to meet file type and size specifications.
What resources will be available specifically for librarians?
The site will include a link to the "Librarian Service Center" under the "Resources" menu on the ASME Digital Collection home page. This page will include information about account management, announcements, subscription information, contact information, and links to FAQs and other information for librarians.
Will the new platform include email alerting - and will my current alerts continue?
The new site includes email alerts. Your current alerts will continue with the exception of the topic alert, which has been discontinued. New alerts will be available under "My Alerts".
Institutional Affiliation
Authorized users may, while authenticated to The ASME Digital Collection via their institutional network, create an individual account with a unique user name (typically their e-mail address) and password. Once created, that user account is affiliated with the institution on whose network they created the account. The user can then access The ASME Digital Collection content using his or her mobile device by simply signing in with their user name and password. In order to ensure that a given user remains affiliated with a subscribing institution, the platform will require the user to authenticate to the website every 3 months.
Is the new site supported on current browsers?
The ASME Digital Collection is optimized for use with currently supported, secure desktop and mobile versions of these browsers: Chrome, Firefox, MS Edge, and Safari. It can be accessed using older versions, but some features may not function properly.
How do I stay up-to-date about what and when changes will occur?
The "Librarian Service Center" on the new site is the best place to keep up to date as announcements will be posted when necessary.
Contact Us
U.S./Canada: +1 800-843-2763
International: +1 973-882-1170
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