Turret-moored floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) vessels have found application in several offshore oil and gas fields in Australia’s North West Shelf (NWS). These vessels are either custom-built or converted tankers, with an internal or external turret. The position of an internal turret is decided based on a number of design considerations, primarily, available deck and interior space, and weathervaning capabilities. It is known that turret position can influence vertical motions and accelerations of a vessel, but this factor has not been given much importance, in comparison with the effects on the horizontal plane motions, primarily surge. This paper presents the results of a pilot study conducted at the Australian Maritime College, Tasmania, to study the vertical motions of a single-point moored FPSO model in waves, while systematically varying the mooring position across the length of the model. The displacement of the vessel was held constant at 50-percent-loaded condition. A single-point mooring system was designed and implemented on the model to simulate the prototype turret mooring system. Results show that the mooring location significantly affects the vertical motions and accelerations of the vessel. Astern turrets were found to produce higher heave and pitch than other locations tested. Although turrets positioned close to the longitudinal center of gravity produced the lowest overall motions, it is suggested that turret position forward of midships be preferred, as it provides a balance between lowering vertical motions and improving weathervaning characteristics.

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