
This study investigates the appropriate thermal cut-off energy for neutron transport calculations in the High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR). Using the Monte Carlo calculation code MVP3.0, the impact of changing thermal cut-off energy on the multiplication factor was evaluated for the single fuel element geometry of HTTR, focusing on variations in fuel and moderator temperatures at the beginning of life (BOL) and end of life (EOL). In the default model of MVP3.0, resonance scattering is approximated by the free-monatomic-gas model with constant cross section. Therefore, the impact of using the exact model for resonance scattering was additionally examined. In the free-monatomic-gas model, a thermal cut-off energy of 30 eV is at least required to maintain the multiplication factor error within approximately ±50 pcm for both BOL and EOL. In addition, the results show that the impact of using the exact model instead of the free-monatomic-gas model on the multiplication factor is more than 200 pcm in the 30 to 40 eV range where U-238 has large resonance at 37 eV, and the impact becomes less than 50 pcm above 40 eV. These results indicate that a thermal cut-off energy of at least 30 eV is necessary without considering the effects of the exact model, and the energy range up to the 37 eV resonance needs to be considered in the case of applying the exact model to obtain the saturated results on multiplication factor for HTTR.

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