
Professor Igor L. Pioro, Editor-in-Chief

The ASME Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science (NERS)1 celebrates its tenth year from the date of establishing (the Journal was established in 2014) and ninth year from our first issue (published in January of 2015). On this occasion, I would like to congratulate all past and present members of our Journal Board, reviewers (their names are listed at the end of this greeting), authors, and readers with these dates. Also, our Journal, finally, has received a Journal Impact Factor in 2023.

First of all, we would like to admit those Associate and Guest Editors, whose terms have expired in 2023, for their valuable contributions to the Journal and nuclear engineering/radiation science:

Associate Editors

• Xiaojing Liu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

• Konstantin Mikityuk, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland

• Jovica R. Riznic, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, Canada

• Yasushi Saito, Institute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science, Kyoto University, Japan

• Craig F. Smith, Naval Postgraduate School, USA

• Rusi P. Taleyarkhan, Purdue University, USA

Guest Editors

• Nima Fathi, Texas A&M University, USA

• Brendan Kochunas, University of Michigan, USA

• Xianfei Wen, University of Tennessee, USA

Also, we would like to welcome new Associate and Guest Editors, who have joined our Journal Board or started their second term in 2023:

Associate Editors

• John Arul, Indira Gandhi Center for Atomic Research, India

• Aurelian Florin Badea (second term), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute for Applied Thermofluidics (IATF), Germany

• Jimmy Chow, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, Canada

• Kei Ito, Kyoto University, Japan

• Hideki Kamide (second term), Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan

• Jun Liao (second term), Westinghouse Electric Company, USA

• Hakan Ozaltun, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, USA

• Andrea Pucciarelli, Università di Pisa, Italy

• Vladimir Stevanovic (second term), University of Belgrade, Serbia

• Pavel Tsvetkov (second term), Department of Nuclear Engineering, Texas A&M University, USA

Guest Editors

• Adam J. Burak, University of Michigan, USA

• Ignacio Gomez, Commissariat à l'énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives (CEA), France

• Eleodor Nichita, Ontario Tech University, Canada

• Dorde Petrovic, Belgian Nuclear Research Center - SCK CEN, Belgium

• Thomas Romming, Sanmed GmbH, Germany

• Marius Tchonang-Pokaha, Nuclear Energy Corporation, South Africa

With the above-mentioned changes in the lists of Associate and Guest Editors, our editorial team consists of 1 Editor (Ed), 27 AEs, and 8 GEs, whom represent 16 countries with nuclear-power reactors: Belgium (1 GE); Canada (1 Ed, 1 AE, and 2 GEs); China (3 AEs); Czech Republic (1 AE); France (1 AE and 1 GE); Germany (1 AE and 1 GE); India (2 AEs); Japan (4 AEs); South Korea (1 AE); Mexico (1 AE); Pakistan (1 AE); Russia (2 AEs); Slovenia (1 GE); South Africa (1 GE); South Korea (1 AE), Ukraine (1 Ed); United Kingdom (1 AE); and USA (4 AEs and 1 GE); and 3 countries without nuclear-power reactors: Israel (1 AE); Italy (2 AEs); and Serbia (1 AE).

Year 2023 was the first full year after Covid-19, and therefore, still many nuclear-engineering/radiation-science conferences were conducted partially in-person/virtually. Therefore, we would like to invite authors from these conferences to submit their augmented and revised papers to our Journal with the objective to publish as soon as possible their valuable research/technical results.

During our ninth year, we have published four issues electronically and as hard copies (as planned, always on time or ahead of a schedule) with about 100 papers including one Special Issue and one Special Section with selected augmented and revised papers:

Issue 2, April 2023:

SI: Special Issue: Selected Papers from the 28th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-28) (2021).

Issue 4, October 2023:

Special Section: Augmented and revised papers from the 29th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-29) (2022).

We would like to share some statistics on papers accepted for publication in our Journal by country, as such, the largest contributors within 2015–2023 were: (1) Canada—164 papers; (2) China—102; (3) USA—71; (4) Czech Republic—69; (5) Japan—67; (6) India—49; (7) Germany—46; (8) Italy—32; (9) France 30; and (10) UK—25; and in total: ∼900 papers have been published! Also, we have noticed that many countries without operating nuclear-power reactors (Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, DR of Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Croatia, Egypt, Ghana, Hong Kong, Indonesia; Iraq, Israel, Italy, Lebanon, Morocco, Norway, Poland, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Thailand, and Turkey) have submitted their papers into our Journal. In total, we have published papers from 55 countries.

Also, we must keep the highest quality level of published papers. Therefore, we have the following statistics on papers, which have not been accepted for publication: Rejected ∼20%; Withdrawn ∼8%; and Removed ∼23%, i.e., in total ∼51% from all submitted papers. By maintaining a comprehensive, objective, and independent peer-review process, we are publishing papers in the ASME J. NERS that are of a much higher quality and credibility relative to those that have no independent and objective peer review.

Our plans for this year are:

  • Publish four issues with a larger number of papers and to make the “waiting time” for publishing as short as possible.

  • Publish a Special Issue with selected augmented and revised papers from the conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe (NENE-2022)—January 2024.

  • Publish a Special Section with papers on Progress in Advanced Nuclear Reactors—July 2024. And

  • Publish a Special Section with selected augmented and revised papers from the International Youth Nuclear Congress (IYNC) 2022—October 2024.

The Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science is currently included in the Web of Science, Emerging Sources Citation Index, and Scopus. The title is also included in the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE).

And finally, we hope that you will join us in our Journal as authors of submitted manuscripts and as reviewers. This is indeed a unique international journal, which combines research, industrial operating experience, new designs/systems, safety analysis, applications of nuclear energy and many other related topics that change the world and our lives for the better! We also hope you will enjoy reading papers that follow.

On behalf of the ASME J. of NERS Editorial Board,
