This article explores the application of finite element analysis (FEA) in studying the evolution of animals, including dinosaurs. Scientists have applied the method to determine how dinosaurs originally looked and functioned, and how they and other animals changed and evolved through the years. FEA is a useful tool to reconstruct the mechanical behavior of the muscle and skeletal system in zoological and paleontological studies because it is non-invasive and reconstructs stress at multiple sites and depths throughout the skeleton. It can be used to study extinct animals by way of their fossilized remains and can deal with complex geometries and load conditions. FEA is now routinely used to interpret skeletal forms for function in both medical and biological applications. The scientists believe that FEA will hopefully allow to see the effect of eating hard foods, such as the belemnites with their bullet-shaped guards. FEA allows a far more intricate, accurate, and precise picture of the bone to be used in studies.
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March 2012
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Fossils and FEA
Paleontologists Use an Engineering Technology to Explore Animal Evolution and See How Extinct Animals Behaved
Jean Thilmany is an associate editor of Mechanical Engineering magazine.
Mechanical Engineering. Mar 2012, 134(03): 44-47 (4 pages)
Published Online: March 1, 2012
Thilmany, J. (March 1, 2012). "Fossils and FEA." ASME. Mechanical Engineering. March 2012; 134(03): 44–47.
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