This article focuses on synthetic gases derived from industrial and municipal wastes enable fuel cogeneration plants in Europe. The modern version of the fabled philosopher’s stone is gasification, a process typically used to convert high sulfur coals into a synthesis gas, or syngas that can be burned cleanly. Basically, the coal is prepared and fed into a reactor, or gasifier, where it is partly oxidized with steam under pressure. GE has developed co-firing capability that allows the power plant to produce full electrical load on the backup fuel, providing electric power availability up to 95%. Waste-fueled IGCC plants are being built in countries other than Italy and Germany. Asian petrochemical plants are also bullish on waste-fueled IGCC. GE is working with Exxon in Singapore to gasify the residues from steam cracking operations at a major olefins plant in the island nation. In addition to providing power and steam, gasification will produce all the hydrogen feedstock the plant needs for olefin processing when it begins operations.

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