This article observes that in the present competitive world, it is important for an engineer to be adaptable, entrepreneurial, and versatile. According to a private marketing consultant in Cambria, CA, Vicki Clift, ‘Engineers must consider themselves self-employed no matter where they work, or for whom.’ Clift strongly urges engineers to develop cross-industry interests, suggesting that a space engineer can move to medical instruments. Clift recommends that people ‘cross pollinate,’ for instance, by taking ideas from the medical industry that could apply to aerospace. He suggests compiling a list of five or so people and meeting with them on a regular basis. One large contributing factor for the change in employment is the result of an even greater change in the way large contracts are bid today. The state of Oregon recognized the importance of teaming when it established a grant program called Flexible Networks to help businesses form alliances for new markets and opportunities for growth.

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