Inspired by the recent achievements of machine learning in diverse domains, data-driven metamaterials design has emerged as a compelling paradigm that can unlock the potential of multiscale architectures. The model-centric research trend, however, lacks principled frameworks dedicated to data acquisition, whose quality propagates into the downstream tasks. Often built by naive space-filling design in shape descriptor space, metamaterial datasets suffer from property distributions that are either highly imbalanced or at odds with design tasks of interest. To this end, we present t-METASET: an active learning-based data acquisition framework aiming to guide both diverse and task-aware data generation. Distinctly, we seek a solution to a commonplace yet frequently overlooked scenario at early stages of data-driven design of metamaterials: when a massive (∼O(104)) shape-only library has been prepared with no properties evaluated. The key idea is to harness a data-driven shape descriptor learned from generative models, fit a sparse regressor as a start-up agent, and leverage metrics related to diversity to drive data acquisition to areas that help designers fulfill design goals. We validate the proposed framework in three deployment cases, which encompass general use, task-specific use, and tailorable use. Two large-scale mechanical metamaterial datasets are used to demonstrate the efficacy. Applicable to general image-based design representations, t-METASET could boost future advancements in data-driven design.
1 Introduction
Metamaterials are artificially architectured materials that support unusual properties from their structure rather than composition [1]. The recent advancements of computing power and manufacturing have fueled research on metamaterials, including theoretical analysis, computational design, and experimental validation. Over the last two decades, outstanding properties and functionalities achievable by metamaterials have been reported from a variety of fields, such as optical [2], acoustic [3], thermal [4], and mechanical [5]. They have been widely deployed to applications in communications, aerospace, biomedical, and defense, to name a few [6]. From a design point of view, leveraging the rich designability in hierarchical systems is a key to further disseminating metamaterials as a versatile material platform, which not only realizes superior functionalities but also facilitates customization and miniaturization. There has been growing demand for advanced design methods to harness the potential of metamaterials.
Data-driven metamaterials design (DDMD) offers a route to intelligently design metamaterials. In general, the approach builds on three main steps: data acquisition, model construction, and inference for design purposes. DDMD typically starts with a precomputed dataset that includes a large number of structure–property pairs [7–11]. Machine learning model construction follows to learn the underlying mapping from structure to property, and sometimes vice versa. Then the data-driven model is used for design optimization, such as at the “building block” or unit cell level, and optionally tiling in the macroscale as well when aperiodic designs are of interest [12–15]. The key distinctions of DDMD against conventional approaches are that (i) DDMD accelerates multiscale design optimization via exploring the vast design space efficiently; (ii) it has little restrictions on analytical formulations of design interest; and (iii) some DDMD approaches enable on-demand design without iterations, which pays off the initial cost of data acquisition and model construction. Capitalizing on the advantages, DDMD has reported a plethora of achievements for diverse design problems in recent years [1,8–10,16–18].
Despite the recent surge of DDMD, rare attention has been given to data acquisition and data quality assessment—the very first step of DDMD. In data-driven design, data are a design element; a collection of data points forms a landscape to be learned by a model, which is an “abstraction” of the data, and to be explored by either model inference or modern optimization methods. Hence, data quality ends up propagating into the subsequent stages. Yet the downstream impact of naive data acquisition is opaque to diagnose and thus challenging to prevent a priori [19]. Underestimating the risk, common practice in DDMD typically resorts to a large number of space-filling designs in the shape space spanned by the shape parameters. This inevitably hosts imbalance—distributional bias of data—in the property space [11,12,20,21] formed by the property components. The downstream tasks involving a data-driven model—training, validation, and deployment to design—follow mostly without rigorous assessment on data quality in terms of diversity, design quality, and feasibility, among others. The practice overlooks not only data imbalance itself but also the compounding ramification at the design stage, allowing both to impede solid deployment of DDMD.
To this end, Chan et al. presented METASET [11] as a subset selection framework that can identify small yet diverse subsets from a fully evaluated database. Key idea is to evaluate the properties of all the designs a priori and then downsample a balanced subset based on diversity metrics. Yet the approach lacks generality of data acquisition for DDMD in that: (i) design evaluation could be prohibitively expensive to build a massive (∼O(104)) database with all the data evaluated and (ii) diversity alone does not offer data customization for specific design tasks.
To enhance the generality and efficiency of data acquisition for DDMD, we propose task-aware METASET (t-METASET) with special attention to starting with sparse observations. Herein, “task-aware” approaches rate individual data points based on the utility for a given specific design scenario, rather than on distributional metrics (e.g., diversity) for general use. The proposed framework handles data bias reduction (for generic use) and design quality (for particular use) simultaneously, by leveraging diversity and quality as the sampling criteria, respectively. We advocate that (i) building a good dataset should be an iterative procedure [22,23]; (ii) diversity sampling [24] can efficiently suppress the property bias of multidimensional regression involved in most DDMD methods [11]; (iii) property bias control significantly improves fully aperiodic metamaterial designs, as shown by recent reports [12–15]. Distinct from the existing work, however, we primarily seek a solution to a commonplace—yet frequently overlooked—scenario that designers face during data preparation: a large-scale shape dataset has been generated and is about to be observed without evaluated observations at the beginning.
Our t-METASET incrementally “grows” a high-quality dataset that is not only diverse but also task-aware. Figure 1 illustrates a schematic of the t-METASET procedure. The central ideas are (i) to extract a compact shape descriptor from a shape-only dataset by unsupervised representation learning, (ii) to sequentially update a sparse regressor as a start-up “agent” under sparse observations, and (iii) to intelligently curate samples based on the prediction of the regressor, and batch sequential sampling [24] building on shape diversity, estimated property diversity, and user-defined quality. Starting from a massive library of building blocks, the active learning framework maneuvers the data acquisition so that it can tailor the data distribution based on both diversity (for generic use) and quality (for specific use) for given tasks.

An overview of t-METASET. Given a shape-only dataset, a compact shape descriptor of microstructures is distilled by a generative model (e.g., variational autoencoder). A sparse regressor (e.g., a Gaussian process) learns the descriptor-property mapping in light of sparse observations. Harnessing the prediction over unseen shapes, diversity sampling (e.g., determinantal point processes) drives active learning through diversity and, optionally, task-related quality metrics. Once evaluated, the observed batch refines the regressor. By repeating this routine, t-METASET suppresses undesirable distributional bias while boosting desirable one.

An overview of t-METASET. Given a shape-only dataset, a compact shape descriptor of microstructures is distilled by a generative model (e.g., variational autoencoder). A sparse regressor (e.g., a Gaussian process) learns the descriptor-property mapping in light of sparse observations. Harnessing the prediction over unseen shapes, diversity sampling (e.g., determinantal point processes) drives active learning through diversity and, optionally, task-related quality metrics. Once evaluated, the observed batch refines the regressor. By repeating this routine, t-METASET suppresses undesirable distributional bias while boosting desirable one.
In the context of DDMD, the intellectual contributions of t-METASET are threefold:
Starting without evaluated designs, t-METASET offers a principled framework on how to build a diverse dataset during data acquisition with rigorous metrics and a small amount of heuristics;
The framework provides a solution to property bias that both existing and newly created metamaterial datasets are prone to.
The proposed t-METASET can produce task-aware datasets whose distributional characteristics can be tailored in response to user-defined design tasks, while securing shape and property diversity along the way.
We argue the advantages of t-METASET are as follows: (i) scalability, (ii) modularity, (iii) customizability to general or specific tasks, (iv) freedom from restrictions on shape generation schemes, (v) no dependency on domain knowledge, and (vi) by extension, applicability over generic design datasets involving high-dimensional images. t-METASET is validated via two large-scale shape-only mechanical metamaterial datasets (containing 88,180 and 57,000 instances, respectively) that are built from different ideas, without preliminary downsampling. The validation involves three scenarios addressed by different sampling criteria: (i) only diversity aiming at general use (e.g., global metamodeling [25,26]), (ii) quality-weighted diversity aiming at task-aware use, and (iii) shape–property joint diversity for tailorable use.
2 Property Bias: An Example of Lattice Mechanical Metamaterials
Property bias prevails in existing metamaterial datasets. To convey this point, we examine an example of a lattice-based 2D mechanical metamaterial dataset. Lattice-based metamaterials have been intensely studied due to their outstanding performance-to-mass ratio, great heat dissipation, and negative Poisson’s ratio [1]. Wang et al. devised a lattice-based dataset [12], to be called in this work. In the dataset, a unit cell (i.e., microstructure or building block) takes six bars aligned in different directions as its geometric primitives (see Fig. 2(a)). All unit cells can be fully specified by four parameters associated with the thickness of each bar group. The shape generation scheme produces diverse geometric classes (i.e., baseline, family, motif, basis, and template), as displayed in Fig. 2(b). Each class exhibits different topological features, which offer diverse modulus surfaces of homogenized elastic constants (C11, C12, C13, C22, C23, C33) (Fig. 2(c)). Figure 2(d) shows the nearly uniform sampling in the parametric shape space Ωw = [0, 1]4 used for data population. We removed repeated instances where the entire domain is either solid (vf = 1) or void (vf = 0); this explains why some regions in Fig. 2(d) have no data points.
![Illustration of Dlat [12]: (a) microstructure shape representation specific by thickness of each bar group, (b) five instances of generated microstructures, (c) the resulting surfaces of homogenized elastic modulus, (d) data distribution in parametric shape spaces w1–w2 and w1–w3, and (e) data distribution in projected property spaces C11–C12 and C11–C13](https://asmedc.silverchair-cdn.com/asmedc/content_public/journal/mechanicaldesign/145/3/10.1115_1.4055925/1/m_md_145_3_031704_f002.png?Expires=1742516055&Signature=GgdABZ5RJo1J9XIEpKqp1Je2r9i21iBlMBfgbN8JJ-j1SXGJc4mAxKzt4kqN1pkd0IkWxxwFSgqOggITeERhceVn0X8YtlwBOZbHK5t1ZGSRBX18Jcu5op40cd23CC-PP3rJcULle~ol8p77LFQsW0DjkS9G-mbyo5NNuEH9GdsXzBlv7HqMs44YSNFAPXA8xIluqKHVvxWT3YwxdZCqeM~Yp-G5nw9MW7wmsQ4nAl~eYbEO78YqSjuLw~34cPPKxkvP3I~xQIBxX0VxUWJuKJPijE1l6YaVAHPqZ9XQMEqs84l0PrCPgVXwKMb~zq3XTtVNXrLvHDIqrRY1gvAjuQ__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIE5G5CRDK6RD3PGA)
Illustration of [12]: (a) microstructure shape representation specific by thickness of each bar group, (b) five instances of generated microstructures, (c) the resulting surfaces of homogenized elastic modulus, (d) data distribution in parametric shape spaces w1–w2 and w1–w3, and (e) data distribution in projected property spaces C11–C12 and C11–C13
![Illustration of Dlat [12]: (a) microstructure shape representation specific by thickness of each bar group, (b) five instances of generated microstructures, (c) the resulting surfaces of homogenized elastic modulus, (d) data distribution in parametric shape spaces w1–w2 and w1–w3, and (e) data distribution in projected property spaces C11–C12 and C11–C13](https://asmedc.silverchair-cdn.com/asmedc/content_public/journal/mechanicaldesign/145/3/10.1115_1.4055925/1/m_md_145_3_031704_f002.png?Expires=1742516055&Signature=GgdABZ5RJo1J9XIEpKqp1Je2r9i21iBlMBfgbN8JJ-j1SXGJc4mAxKzt4kqN1pkd0IkWxxwFSgqOggITeERhceVn0X8YtlwBOZbHK5t1ZGSRBX18Jcu5op40cd23CC-PP3rJcULle~ol8p77LFQsW0DjkS9G-mbyo5NNuEH9GdsXzBlv7HqMs44YSNFAPXA8xIluqKHVvxWT3YwxdZCqeM~Yp-G5nw9MW7wmsQ4nAl~eYbEO78YqSjuLw~34cPPKxkvP3I~xQIBxX0VxUWJuKJPijE1l6YaVAHPqZ9XQMEqs84l0PrCPgVXwKMb~zq3XTtVNXrLvHDIqrRY1gvAjuQ__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIE5G5CRDK6RD3PGA)
Illustration of [12]: (a) microstructure shape representation specific by thickness of each bar group, (b) five instances of generated microstructures, (c) the resulting surfaces of homogenized elastic modulus, (d) data distribution in parametric shape spaces w1–w2 and w1–w3, and (e) data distribution in projected property spaces C11–C12 and C11–C13
Now we look into the data distribution of . The near-uniform sampling ensures good uniformity in the parametric shape space (Fig. 2(d)). On the other hand, the corresponding property distributions in Fig. 2(e) show considerable imbalance, which epitomizes that data balance in parametric shape space does not ensure the same in property space. Such property imbalance is prevalent in many metamaterial datasets generated by space-filling design in parametric shape space [11,20,21,27,28]. We claim that: (i) metamaterial datasets collected based on naive sampling in parametric shape space are subject to substantial property bias [11,20,21,27,28], and more importantly, (ii) this is highly likely to hold true for datasets with generic design representations—beyond parametric ones—as well [10,11,13,29,30]. The general statement is, in part, grounded on the near-zero correlation between shape similarity and property similarity in large-scale metamaterial datasets (∼O(104)), consisting of microstructures represented as pixel/voxel, observed by Chan et al. [11]. Overlooking the significant property imbalance, many methods assume that the subsequent stages of DDMD can accurately learn and perform inference under such strong property imbalance, ignoring the compounding impact of data bias [31].
In addition, diversity alone does not ensure successful deployment of DDMD for design purposes. Imagine a case where a 50k-size dataset with perfect uniformity has been prepared, yet the region associated with a given design task (e.g., high performance-to-mass ratio; high stiffness anisotropy; manufacturability) happens to include a tiny portion of the dataset. This implies, provided a design task has been prescribed, that (i) designers would want to involve the utility of data points for the given task, on top of diversity, during both data acquisition and evaluation; (ii) it could be rather desirable to promote artificial data bias toward a certain direction/area associated with the task.
Property bias is inevitable without supervision. Properties—a function of a given shape—are unknown before evaluation. Obtaining their values is the major computational bottleneck [19], not only at the data preparation stage but also in the whole DDMD pipeline. An undesirable yet prevalent case is: one evaluates all the shape samples with time-consuming numerical analysis (e.g., finite element method (FEM); wave analysis) and trains a model on the data, only to end up with a property distribution that is severely biased outside where one had planned to deploy the data-driven model. To circumvent such unwanted scenarios, it is warranted to monitor property distributions at early stages and maneuver the sampling process in a supervised manner during data acquisition, not after. As a solution, we propose t-METASET, a task-aware data acquisition framework that tailors data distributions upon user-defined design tasks.
3 Proposed Method
3.1 Shape Descriptor.
To exploit topologically free variations of building block geometries, metamaterials design often involves a high-dimensional geometric space (e.g., 50 × 50 pixelated 2D designs equates a 502-D space). Exploring the vast design space is inefficient and not computationally affordable. Instead we wish to reparameterize instances in the ambient space using a compact yet expressive shape descriptor. The shape descriptor captures essential topological features of metamaterial building blocks and offers a low-dimensional design representation with an acceptable compromise of expressiveness.
In the literature of DDMD, shape descriptors of building blocks roughly fall into three categories: physical descriptors, spectral descriptors, and data-driven descriptors. First, physical descriptors represent a geometry based on geometric features of interest, such as curvature, moment, angle, and shape context [32]. Hence, the key advantage is high interpretability provided by the physical criteria. For example, in DDMD, Chan et al. [11] employed the division point-based descriptor [33], which recursively identifies centroids of binary images at several granularity levels and concatenates the coordinates as the descriptor. Second, spectral descriptors exploit finite-dimensional spectral decomposition of ambient shape space. Liu et al. [34] proposed a Fourier transform-based descriptor as a topological encoding method for optical metasurfaces. The spectral descriptor enjoys representational parsimony, reconstruction capability (inverse Fourier transform), efficient symmetry handling, and a continuous latent space. Third, data-driven descriptors exploit data-driven feature engineering. Wang et al. [10] employed a variational autoencoder (VAE) [35] as a deep generative model for DDMD. It was demonstrated that the latent representation offers a compact shape similarity measure in light of given data, facilitates blending across microstructures, and encodes interpretable geometric patterns.
As a data-driven model involving unsupervised representation learning, VAE learns a compact latent representation that can be used as a shape descriptor [35]. We advocate the VAE descriptor as the shape descriptor of metamaterial unit cells based on two aspects. First, VAE enjoys the parsimony of a low-dimensional manifold, which is crucial to make a sparse regressor (Sec. 3.2) have compact yet expressive predictors and to expedite the subsequent diversity-driven sampling (Sec. 3.3). Second, this work also takes advantage of the distributional regularization imposed on the encoder: the latent vectors are enforced to be roughly multivariate Gaussian. The regularization enforces built-in scaling across individual components of the latent representation, rendering diversity-based sampling robust to arbitrary scaling.
Figure 3(a) depicts the shape VAE used in our study. The VAE involves two key components, encoder E and decoder G. Assuming an input instance is given as a discretized image, the encoder involves a set of progressively contracting layers to capture underlying low-dimensional features, until it reaches the bottleneck layer, which provides the latent vector as z = E(ϕ(x, y)), where ϕ(x, y) is the signed distance field (SDF) of a binary microstructure image I(x, y). The decoder, reversely, takes a latent variable from the information bottleneck and generates a reconstructed image as . In formatting the shape instances, we prefer the SDF representation to the binary one since (i) SDFs offer richer local information (distance and sign) that unsupervised representation learning can exploit [36], and (ii) the continuous surface-based representation tends to help generative models produce smoother synthesized instances [37].

Shape VAE: (a) schematic of the architecture, (b) the training result of , and (c) the training result of
Figures 3(b) and 3(c) report the VAE training results of each dataset, 2D multiclass blending dataset () [13], and 2D topology optimization dataset () [38,39]. A concise description of the datasets is presented in Sec. 4.1. The VAE architecture was set based on that of Wang et al. [10]. The dimension of the latent space is set as 10, with the tradeoff between dimensionality and reconstruction error taken into account. The Adam optimizer [40] was used to train the VAE with the following setting: learning rate 10−4, batch size 128, epochs 150, and dropout probability 0.4. Each shape dataset is split into training set and validation set with the ratio of 80% and 20%, respectively. In Figs. 3(b) and 3(c), each training history shows stable convergence behavior for both training and validation. From the plots of SDF instances on the right side, we qualitatively confirm good agreement between the input instances (top) and their reconstruction (bottom), for both training results.
3.2 Sparse Regressor.
In t-METASET, a sparse regressor enables active learning and task-aware distributional control under epistemic uncertainty (i.e., lack of data). In Sec. 3.2.1, we elaborate on why a Gaussian process (GP) is a good choice as the sparse regressor and introduce key formulations of multi-output GPs. Section 3.2.2 details roughness parameters of a GP and how they are harnessed for sampling mode transition in t-METASET.
3.2.1 Gaussian Processes.
We implement a GP regressor as the “agent” of data acquisition in this work. The mission is to learn the underlying structure–property mapping from sparse data and to pass predictions over unseen shapes as to batch sequential sampling. In this study, the GP takes the VAE latent shape descriptor as its input, which offers substantial dimension reduction (502-D →10-D in this work). We advocate a GP as the sparse agent due to three key advantages: (i) model parsimony congruent with sparse observations at early stages; (ii) decent modeling capacity of nonlinear structure–property regression (i.e., z → p); and (iii) roughness parameters as an indicator of model convergence, to be used for sampling mode transition (detailed in Sec. 3.2.2).
Building on the advantages of the GP, our novel idea on task-aware property bias control is to (i) construct an estimated property similarity kernel (Sec. 3.3.1) from the GP prediction , as the counterpart of the shape kernel , and (ii) employ conditional determinantal point processes (DPP) [24]—a probabilistic approach to diversity modeling—on the estimated property kernel to recursively sample a batch based on the expected property diversity. The property kernel estimates property similarity, prior to design evaluation, not only between train–train pairs but also between train–unseen and unseen–unseen ones. In this way, the sampler of t-METASET recommends a batch hinging on both estimated property diversity and shape diversity. It is important to note that, at an incipient phase, we do not rely on , as the predictive performance of a multivariate multiresponse GP (, where Dp is the property dimensionality) trained on tiny data is not reliable. We determine the turning point—when to start to respect the GP prediction— based on the convergence history of a set of the GP hyperparameters: roughness parameters (i.e., scale parameters).
3.2.2 Roughness Parameters.
3.3 Diversity-Based Sampling.
In this section, we elaborate on diversity-based batch sequential sampling. It maneuvers the data acquisition, leveraging both the compact shape descriptor distilled by the VAE (Sec. 3.1) and iteratively refined prediction offered by the GP agent (Sec. 3.2), from beginning to end of t-METASET. Recalling the mission of t-METASET—task-aware generation of balanced datasets—we advocate DPP-based diversity sampling primarily based on three key advantages: (i) DPPs offer a variety of practical extensions (e.g., cardinality constraint, conditioning) that facilitate the active learning of t-METASET; (ii) the probabilistic modeling from DPP captures the tradeoff between diversity and quality; and (iii) importantly, DPPs are flexible in terms of handling distributional characteristics in that most object-driven sampling approaches [44] support either exploration (diversity of input) or exploitation (quality of output), while DPPs do all the combinations of diversity (input/output) and quality (shape/property/joint) without restrictions. t-METASET builds on a few extensions of DPPs. Section 3.3.1 presents fundamental concepts related to DPP. Section 3.3.2 introduces conditional DPPs that are key for DPP-based active learning and brings up the scalability issue of massive similarity kernels. As a workaround, a large-scale kernel approximation scheme is introduced in Sec. 3.3.3. Section 3.3.4 addresses how to accommodate the design quality into DPP, which enables “task-aware” dataset construction.
3.3.1 Similarity and Determinantal Point Processes.
3.3.2 Conditional Determinantal Point Processes.
3.3.3 Large-Scale Kernel Approximation.
3.3.4 Quality-Weighted Diversity for Task-Aware Sampling.
The quality-weighted DPP sampling could seem similar to Bayesian optimization (BO) [44] in that (i) quality contributes to exploitation given design attributes of interest, whereas diversity supports exploration, and (ii) both use sequential sampling, taking GP as the surrogate. We highlight their differences as follows: (i) t-METASET does not take the uncertainty provided by the GP regressor—at least under the current setup—as a sampling criterion; (ii) diversity is the main driver of the sequential DPP sampling, whereas in BO, exploration (diversity) is ultimately a means for exploitation (quality); (iii) t-METASET is primarily driven by pairwise DPP kernels, taking a pointwise quality as an option, whereas BO is driven by a pointwise acquisition function; (iv) t-METASET handles quality that accommodates distributional attributes of shape, property, and even the combination of them, while for BO, no acquisition functions have been proposed that explicitly consider property distribution; (v) t-METASET has more flexibility in terms of tailoring distributional characteristics, while standard BO ends up biasing both shape and property distributions to reach the global optimum of a black-box cost function. Quantitative comparisons between t-METASET and BO would be an interesting topic but is currently beyond the scope of this work, as t-METASET can only downsample out of finite points in the VAE latent space, whereas standard BO takes infinitely many continuous inputs into account. The validation would be viable under the following extensions: (i) the decoder of the VAE joins the t-METASET algorithm to generate new shapes , not existing in the given shape dataset and (ii) continuous DPP [54] can be employed to recommend diverse samples from a continuous landscape, learned from the discrete data points provided by users. This is our future work.
3.4 The T-METASET Algorithm.
In this section, we detail how to seamlessly integrate the three main components introduced: (i) the latent shape descriptor from the shape VAE, (ii) a sparse regressor as the start-up agent, and (iii) the batch sequential DPP-based sampling that suppresses undesirable bias while enforcing an intentional one. Visual illustration of t-METASET is presented in Fig. 4. Figure 4(a) shows a flow of t-METASET, whose transition is determined by the roughness residual of the GP agent. Given a shape only, Fig. 4(b) depicts the initialization of t-METASET supported by VAE shape descriptor 3.1 and large-scale kernel approximations 3.3.3. The key sampling procedure of t-METASET is illustrated in Fig. 4(c).

A visual overview of t-METASET: (a) Sampling mode transition associated with the roughness residual r(t). (b) Initialization. The VAE is trained on the given shape-only dataset . The latent variables are roughly distributed as multivariate Gaussian. The latent representation is taken as the shape descriptor, whose concatenation forms the matrix, where is the shape set cardinality (∼O(104)). RFF follows to extract a -sized feature of shape feature to be used for the DPP sampling based on shape diversity. (c) A simplified flowchart of stage II. Details are stated in the main body. Stage I shares the structure as stage II but is driven only by shape feature (no step (iii)). Stage III is equivalent to stage II except for the GP update (step (v)). The proposed data acquisition ends when user-defined termination criteria are met (e.g., maximum iteration).

A visual overview of t-METASET: (a) Sampling mode transition associated with the roughness residual r(t). (b) Initialization. The VAE is trained on the given shape-only dataset . The latent variables are roughly distributed as multivariate Gaussian. The latent representation is taken as the shape descriptor, whose concatenation forms the matrix, where is the shape set cardinality (∼O(104)). RFF follows to extract a -sized feature of shape feature to be used for the DPP sampling based on shape diversity. (c) A simplified flowchart of stage II. Details are stated in the main body. Stage I shares the structure as stage II but is driven only by shape feature (no step (iii)). Stage III is equivalent to stage II except for the GP update (step (v)). The proposed data acquisition ends when user-defined termination criteria are met (e.g., maximum iteration).
3.4.1 Initialization.
Figure 4(b) illustrates the initialization of t-METASET, which involves VAE training, latent shape descriptor, and RFF extraction from the descriptor. The framework takes the following input arguments: the shape-only dataset composed of SDF instances ϕ(x, y), batch cardinality k, the ratio of property samples in each batch ε, and optionally a pointwise quality function that reflects a design task if declared in advance. A shape VAE is trained on with the dimension of latent space Dz, which is 10-D herein (Fig. 4(b)).
3.4.2 Stage I.
During stage I, the GP model’s roughness parameter ω shows large fluctuation due to lack of data. The sampling only relies on shape diversity because the property prediction of the GP given unseen latent variables is not reliable yet. This stage also can be viewed as initial exploration driven by the pairwise shape dissimilarity—as an analog to initial passive space-filling design—where discrete data points are given as a pool for sampling.
3.4.3 Stage II.
Figure 4(c) provides an overview of stage II—the core sampling stage of t-METASET. As more data come in, the roughness residual Δ(t) (Eq. (8)) approaches zero and becomes stable. Provided that the roughness residual falls under the first threshold τ1 for five consecutive iterations, the t-METASET framework assumes that the GP prediction is ready to be appreciated. t-METASET proceeds to the next sampling phase stage II, where t-METASET harnesses the estimated property diversity, in addition to shape diversity, as the main criterion. The key is to introduce the RFF of the estimated property , building on the GP prediction .
Now we detail each step described in Fig. 4(c). (i) Given a ratio of property samples ε in a given batch, the DPP sampler draws instances from the property RFF Vp based on property diversity, weighted by task-related quality when a task is specified. (ii) The rest of the batch is filled by (1 − ɛ)k samples from the shape RFF, to complement possible lack of exploration in the shape descriptor space Ωz. Herein, the shape RFF must be updated with respect to batch first to reflect the latest information. Once sampled, the shape feature is updated again with respect to the rest of the shapes in just selected, for the next iteration. (iii) The microstructures of the batch are observed by design evaluation—FEM with energy-based homogenization [55,56] in this study—to obtain the true properties (e.g., p = {C11, C12, C22}). (iv) The true properties replace the GP prediction in the given batch . (v) Then the evaluated batch updates the GP to refine the property prediction as for the next iteration. (vi) The refined prediction demands the update of a new property RFF, as well as the conditioning of it on the entire dataset collected so far. (vii) If a quality function over design attributes has been specified, it can be incorporated into the latest property RFF by invoking Eq. (17) to prompt a task-aware dataset.
3.4.4 Stage III.
Stage III shares all the settings of stage II except for the GP update. The main computational overhead of stage II comes from GP fitting as it involves matrix inversion with the time complexity . To bypass the overhead, we stop updating the GP if the roughness residual falls under τ2 for five consecutive iterations. During stage III, our algorithm can quickly identify diverse instances from a large-scale dataset (∼O(104)), without the scalability issue. The main product of t-METASET is a high-quality dataset , which is not only diverse but also task-aware.
4 Results
In this section, the results of t-METASET are presented. As benchmarks, the two large-scale mechanical metamaterial libraries [13,39] are used for validation. Data description on the two datasets is provided in Sec. 4.1. We propose an interpretable diversity metric in Sec. 4.2 for fair evaluation of t-METASET. To accommodate various end-uses in DDMD, we validate t-METASET under three hypothetical deployment scenarios: (i) diversity only for generic use (balanced datasets; Sec. 4.3), (ii) quality-weighted diversity for particular use (task-aware datasets; Sec. 4.4), and (iii) joint diversity for tailorable use (tunable datasets; Sec. 4.5). Basic settings include: batch cardinality as k = 10; property sample ratio during stage II as ɛ = 0.8; the RFF size as DV = 3,000; maximum iteration as tmax = 500; first and second threshold of roughness parameters as τ1 = 0.02 and τ2 = 0.01, respectively; and iteration tolerance of roughness convergence as itol = 5. Finally, we focus on producing datasets with sizes of either 3,000 or 5,000 (i.e., tmax = 300 or 500, respectively).
4.1 Datasets.
We introduce two mechanical metamaterial datasets, in addition to , to be used for validating t-METASET: (i) 2D multiclass blending dataset () [13] and (ii) 2D topology optimization dataset () [39]. Table 1 compares key characteristics of the datasets. Figure 5 illustrates each dataset and shape generation heuristic. Note that the purpose of involving the two datasets is to corroborate the versatility of our t-METASET framework, which can accommodate a wide range of datasets born from different methods for different end-uses in a unified way. What we aim to provide is quality assessment of subsets within one of the datasets, not across them. In addition, while all the datasets in the original references provide the homogenized properties, we assume in all the upcoming numerical experiments that only the shapes are given, without any property evaluated a priori. is publicly available for download.2
![Illustration on shape generation schemes of each dataset: (a) Dmix [13]: example of blending the SDFs of basis shapes and varying their volume fractions to produce new unit cells and (b) DTO [39]: (left) an example of design evolution by inverse topology optimization with respect to a target property and (right) the stochastic shape perturbation applied to a given microstructure](https://asmedc.silverchair-cdn.com/asmedc/content_public/journal/mechanicaldesign/145/3/10.1115_1.4055925/1/m_md_145_3_031704_f005.png?Expires=1742516055&Signature=kXcC-F20Ot-SfojsbPtiGR5KaQcJ2P1t9LoMsA9APvpceHXt8DBTJGDrDu047iAhR-mqIWG~D9m5HM1c~HTpoZU-9qL8CVHY9IR5R8pi9ymEEl18BZvm14tY18uPjjR8XqMLFLxnLCY~D7px10TCEY2LK-SYHEXxOcOV1b8WA~75rZJQMBotZT6jx9pM8ViML2RnZH9-0GSo9wx2yo6hmnLZdidsYp6jfKT1i4vcT14IHnQeKCZCRhTZTFnfo4jKaSJ3ex4ns5dH5Xd7YzNqJhXLzHdbqObVay7VLfhFVTszrmZEgFdovwfTv8zP-RkqFqf7dAv3VuFryJp2SeWJFQ__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIE5G5CRDK6RD3PGA)
Illustration on shape generation schemes of each dataset: (a) [13]: example of blending the SDFs of basis shapes and varying their volume fractions to produce new unit cells and (b) [39]: (left) an example of design evolution by inverse topology optimization with respect to a target property and (right) the stochastic shape perturbation applied to a given microstructure
![Illustration on shape generation schemes of each dataset: (a) Dmix [13]: example of blending the SDFs of basis shapes and varying their volume fractions to produce new unit cells and (b) DTO [39]: (left) an example of design evolution by inverse topology optimization with respect to a target property and (right) the stochastic shape perturbation applied to a given microstructure](https://asmedc.silverchair-cdn.com/asmedc/content_public/journal/mechanicaldesign/145/3/10.1115_1.4055925/1/m_md_145_3_031704_f005.png?Expires=1742516055&Signature=kXcC-F20Ot-SfojsbPtiGR5KaQcJ2P1t9LoMsA9APvpceHXt8DBTJGDrDu047iAhR-mqIWG~D9m5HM1c~HTpoZU-9qL8CVHY9IR5R8pi9ymEEl18BZvm14tY18uPjjR8XqMLFLxnLCY~D7px10TCEY2LK-SYHEXxOcOV1b8WA~75rZJQMBotZT6jx9pM8ViML2RnZH9-0GSo9wx2yo6hmnLZdidsYp6jfKT1i4vcT14IHnQeKCZCRhTZTFnfo4jKaSJ3ex4ns5dH5Xd7YzNqJhXLzHdbqObVay7VLfhFVTszrmZEgFdovwfTv8zP-RkqFqf7dAv3VuFryJp2SeWJFQ__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIE5G5CRDK6RD3PGA)
Illustration on shape generation schemes of each dataset: (a) [13]: example of blending the SDFs of basis shapes and varying their volume fractions to produce new unit cells and (b) [39]: (left) an example of design evolution by inverse topology optimization with respect to a target property and (right) the stochastic shape perturbation applied to a given microstructure
Dataset description
[12] | [13] | [39] | |
Cardinality | 9,882 | 57,000 | 88,180 |
Shape primitive | Bar | SDF of basis unit cell | N/A (used TO) |
Shape population | Parametric sweep | Continuous sampling of basis weights and blending | Stochastic shape perturbation and iterative sampling |
Topological freedom | Predefined | Quasi-free | Free |
Property | {C11, C12, C22, C13, C23, C33} | {C11, C12, C22} | {C11, C12, C22} |
FEM discretization | 100 × 100 | 50 × 50 | 50 × 50 |
FEM solver | Energy-based homogenization [55,56] |
[12] | [13] | [39] | |
Cardinality | 9,882 | 57,000 | 88,180 |
Shape primitive | Bar | SDF of basis unit cell | N/A (used TO) |
Shape population | Parametric sweep | Continuous sampling of basis weights and blending | Stochastic shape perturbation and iterative sampling |
Topological freedom | Predefined | Quasi-free | Free |
Property | {C11, C12, C22, C13, C23, C33} | {C11, C12, C22} | {C11, C12, C22} |
FEM discretization | 100 × 100 | 50 × 50 | 50 × 50 |
FEM solver | Energy-based homogenization [55,56] |
4.2 Diversity Metric: Distance Gain.
We devise an interpretable diversity metric for assessing the capability of t-METASET against benchmark sampling. In the literature of DDMD, Chan et al. [11] compared the determinant of jointly diverse subsets’ similarity kernels against those of iid replicates, following the usual practice of reporting set diversity in the DPP literature [24] as the metric to quantify the efficiency of the proposed downsampling. We point out possible issues of using either similarity or determinant for diversity evaluation: (i) similarity values sij depend on data preprocessing; (ii) a decreasing transformation from distance-to-similarity sij = T(h(xi, xj)) for constructing DPP kernels also involves arbitrary scaling, depending on the type of associated transformation T and their tuning parameters (e.g., the bandwidth σL of Gaussian kernels in Eq. (10)); and (iii) the raw values of both similarity and determinant enable the “better or worse” type comparison yet lack intuitive interpretation on “how much better or worse.”
4.3 Scenario I: Diversity Only.
Figure 6 shows the t-METASET results applied to DTO only based on diversity. From Fig. 6(a), we observe the evolution of the distance gain as a relative proxy for set diversity at each iteration. At stage I, the proposed sampling solely relies on shape diversity. The shape gain exceeds unity at the early stage, meaning the exploration by t-METASET shows better shape diversity than that of the iid replicates. Meanwhile, the property diversity of t-METASET is even less than the iid counterpart, and this is another evidence that shape diversity barely contributes to property diversity [11]. During this transient stage, t-METASET keeps monitoring the residual of roughness parameters. Figure 6(b) shows the history up to a few hundred observations; the residuals with little data stay unstable, indicating large fluctuations of the hyperparameters. The mild convergence defined by τ1 occurs at the 19th iteration with 10 × 19 = 190 observations. This is approximately twice larger than the rule-of-thumb for the initial space-filling design: Dz × 10 = 100 [57]. Rigorous comparison between our pairwise initial exploration and space-filling design (e.g., Latin hypercube sampling [58]) is the future work.
![Scenario I result for DTO [39]: (a) History of roughness residual. The two vertical lines indicate the first and second roughness convergence, respectively, (b) History of distance gains. The horizontal dotted line denotes the distance gain of 30 iid replicates, which is unity by the definition in Sec. 4.2. The two vertical lines indicate the first (τ1) and second (τ2) convergence, respectively, and (c) Property distribution in projected property space.](https://asmedc.silverchair-cdn.com/asmedc/content_public/journal/mechanicaldesign/145/3/10.1115_1.4055925/1/m_md_145_3_031704_f006.png?Expires=1742516055&Signature=04ZRJS17EWEFphqfwkmyx-qFSlpI0-MbiOH7t3pL111VBEo8pxxwb-QBNCxSuE0oVPs6aiRlFOHyKZ5koBNMspVN60cgZ0rxUmQpHUFVhAYlxiOVUApDlB7Vm-AZWKOMYwKcg6MI~nVvAeZKWbpw5uaAMGNwdgNQ~XFEf0ZWAGIhuCWlxSGEfnj~8mrcSTaK12YEi0-2Y1ZpSbPbEV2iAMruqY-AyqSoISmaLXCTRDtffYGQMWBqq7wXt0jTLnEb-nfun594YUuTshXt7J~3cH3muk~RXLtQU34QnIsRXrlm61QdK82JmRdXvY8OIK~RrWhGV7Gl3Wx41COYrjWTgA__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIE5G5CRDK6RD3PGA)
Scenario I result for [39]: (a) History of roughness residual. The two vertical lines indicate the first and second roughness convergence, respectively, (b) History of distance gains. The horizontal dotted line denotes the distance gain of 30 iid replicates, which is unity by the definition in Sec. 4.2. The two vertical lines indicate the first (τ1) and second (τ2) convergence, respectively, and (c) Property distribution in projected property space.
![Scenario I result for DTO [39]: (a) History of roughness residual. The two vertical lines indicate the first and second roughness convergence, respectively, (b) History of distance gains. The horizontal dotted line denotes the distance gain of 30 iid replicates, which is unity by the definition in Sec. 4.2. The two vertical lines indicate the first (τ1) and second (τ2) convergence, respectively, and (c) Property distribution in projected property space.](https://asmedc.silverchair-cdn.com/asmedc/content_public/journal/mechanicaldesign/145/3/10.1115_1.4055925/1/m_md_145_3_031704_f006.png?Expires=1742516055&Signature=04ZRJS17EWEFphqfwkmyx-qFSlpI0-MbiOH7t3pL111VBEo8pxxwb-QBNCxSuE0oVPs6aiRlFOHyKZ5koBNMspVN60cgZ0rxUmQpHUFVhAYlxiOVUApDlB7Vm-AZWKOMYwKcg6MI~nVvAeZKWbpw5uaAMGNwdgNQ~XFEf0ZWAGIhuCWlxSGEfnj~8mrcSTaK12YEi0-2Y1ZpSbPbEV2iAMruqY-AyqSoISmaLXCTRDtffYGQMWBqq7wXt0jTLnEb-nfun594YUuTshXt7J~3cH3muk~RXLtQU34QnIsRXrlm61QdK82JmRdXvY8OIK~RrWhGV7Gl3Wx41COYrjWTgA__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIE5G5CRDK6RD3PGA)
Scenario I result for [39]: (a) History of roughness residual. The two vertical lines indicate the first and second roughness convergence, respectively, (b) History of distance gains. The horizontal dotted line denotes the distance gain of 30 iid replicates, which is unity by the definition in Sec. 4.2. The two vertical lines indicate the first (τ1) and second (τ2) convergence, respectively, and (c) Property distribution in projected property space.
Once the first convergence criterion on the GP roughness ω is met, t-METASET starts to respect the GP prediction and, by extension, the RFF of the estimated property DPP kernel as well. During stage II, shape diversity decreases to less than unity. This implies that pursuing property diversity compromises shape diversity. After about 300 iterations, each gain seems to stabilize with minute fluctuations and reach a plateau of about 1.3 for property and 0.95 for shape, respectively. Beyond the maximum iteration set as 500, we forecast that the mean of property Euclidean distances—the numerator of property gain—will eventually decrease because (i) we have finite |DTO| = 88, 180 shapes to sample from; (ii) the property gamut at the t-th iteration incrementally grows yet ultimately converges to the finite gamut as , where ∂Ω*p denotes the property gamut of fully observed DTO, which obviously exists yet is unknown in our scenarios; (iii) adding more data points within the confined boundary ∂Ω*p would decrease pairwise distances on average. The convergence behavior of the numerator of the property gain may possibly give a hint to answering the fundamental research question in data-driven design: “How much data do we need?”. In addition, adjusting the batch composition—the ratio of property versus shape—would lead to different results. The parameter study on ɛ is addressed and discussed in Sec. 4.5.
Figure 6(c) shows a qualitative view of the resulting property distributions. Figure 6(c) shows the data distribution in the projected property space, whose property components have been standardized. In the C11–C12 space, the iid realization shows significant bias on the southeast region near [−1 ≤ C11 ≤ 1] × [−1.5 ≤ C12 ≤ 1], whereas only tiny samples are located on the upper region. Other 3,000-size iid realizations also result in property bias; local details are different, but the overall trend of distributional bias is more or less the same. On the other hand, the property distribution of t-METASET shows significantly reduced bias in the property spaces, in terms of projected pairwise distances and the property gamut ∂Ωp as well.
4.4 Scenario II: Quality-Weighted Diversity (Task-Aware Generation).
Regarding task-aware acquisition of datasets, the scope of this work is dedicated to pointwise quality, where the task-related “value” of each observation is modeled based on a score function. It can be a function of properties (e.g., stiffness anisotropy), shape (e.g., boundary smoothness), or both (stiffness-to-mass ratio). With proper formulation and scaling, the quality function can be included in t-METASET as a secondary sampling criterion. We present two examples, each of which involves either (i) only property (Section 4.4.1) or (ii) both shape and property (Sec. 4.4.2). All the results in this section assume the maximum cardinality is fixed as .
4.4.1 Task II-1: Promoting High Stiffness-to-Mass Ratio.
Figure 7 presents the result for . As indicated by the arrow, the quality function aims to bias the distribution in the C11-vf space toward the northwest direction. In Fig. 7(b), the resulting distribution of t-METASET shows an even stronger bias to the upper region than that of the iid replicates, whereas the data points near the bottom right gamut are more sparse. Figure 7(c) provides even more intuitive evidence: t-METASET without the quality function does not show distributional difference with the iid case. In contrast, the quality-based t-METASET leads to the strongly biased distribution—virtually opposite to the iid one—congruent with the enforced quality over high stiffness-to-volume ratio. Both plots corroborate that t-METASET can accommodate the preference of high stiffness-to-volume ratio, even when starting with no property at all. Along the way, t-METASET addresses property diversity as well, as indicated by the distance gain of property that exceeds unity (Fig. 7(a)).
![Task II-1 (stiffness-to-mass ratio) result for Dmix [13]. Each arrow indicates the distributional bias preferred by the given task: (a) history of distance gains, (b) data distribution: (left) iid and (right) t-METASET with the quality of interest (q1), and (c) histogram of task-related quality (stiffness to volume).](https://asmedc.silverchair-cdn.com/asmedc/content_public/journal/mechanicaldesign/145/3/10.1115_1.4055925/1/m_md_145_3_031704_f007.png?Expires=1742516055&Signature=30ktMH5r4nrZlWd91PCeiwiMvZiM84TIRwpziglikdWswsGjRgoGfGkghk7Nnpvw9BLVOpTMBW2QC0PBXkvQJkUfIh9ByLxxlfIscN1SAco1lSA9y5Z95Bo94b4cJiSPpHW7uJbwicN4RVx57RjaWuiqcD8AQ92656rvKBS0LCAUP7KXEPYykQ65UxnHnic6DEt8Ou2NNwdwAFPb09m1zS~CTiGiw26KM~VuB0TNWfMItBZ11UkT-hoyduBe2VJshY01sXpy2FIDkEx6Qdq0cEMMkMmrRFNw-AhmwRRVIxJHf6ELX8zJdt6S06f3zjkB9qX~n~YrIHT4c3bZcxz9Dw__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIE5G5CRDK6RD3PGA)
Task II-1 (stiffness-to-mass ratio) result for [13]. Each arrow indicates the distributional bias preferred by the given task: (a) history of distance gains, (b) data distribution: (left) iid and (right) t-METASET with the quality of interest (q1), and (c) histogram of task-related quality (stiffness to volume).
![Task II-1 (stiffness-to-mass ratio) result for Dmix [13]. Each arrow indicates the distributional bias preferred by the given task: (a) history of distance gains, (b) data distribution: (left) iid and (right) t-METASET with the quality of interest (q1), and (c) histogram of task-related quality (stiffness to volume).](https://asmedc.silverchair-cdn.com/asmedc/content_public/journal/mechanicaldesign/145/3/10.1115_1.4055925/1/m_md_145_3_031704_f007.png?Expires=1742516055&Signature=30ktMH5r4nrZlWd91PCeiwiMvZiM84TIRwpziglikdWswsGjRgoGfGkghk7Nnpvw9BLVOpTMBW2QC0PBXkvQJkUfIh9ByLxxlfIscN1SAco1lSA9y5Z95Bo94b4cJiSPpHW7uJbwicN4RVx57RjaWuiqcD8AQ92656rvKBS0LCAUP7KXEPYykQ65UxnHnic6DEt8Ou2NNwdwAFPb09m1zS~CTiGiw26KM~VuB0TNWfMItBZ11UkT-hoyduBe2VJshY01sXpy2FIDkEx6Qdq0cEMMkMmrRFNw-AhmwRRVIxJHf6ELX8zJdt6S06f3zjkB9qX~n~YrIHT4c3bZcxz9Dw__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIE5G5CRDK6RD3PGA)
Task II-1 (stiffness-to-mass ratio) result for [13]. Each arrow indicates the distributional bias preferred by the given task: (a) history of distance gains, (b) data distribution: (left) iid and (right) t-METASET with the quality of interest (q1), and (c) histogram of task-related quality (stiffness to volume).
4.4.2 Task II-2: Promoting High Stiffness Anisotropy.
Figure 8 illustrates the result for under the anisotropy preference. The two arrows indicate the bias direction of interest: Samples with isotropic elasticity on the line C22 = C11, denoted as the green dotted line, are least preferred. From the scatter plot of Fig. 8(a), the distribution of t-METASET exhibits clear bias toward the preferred direction compared to the iid case, while samples near the isotropic line are sparse except near the origin. The trend is even more apparent in the histograms of Fig. 8(b): both the results from iid and vanilla t-METASET share a similar distribution in terms of polar angle. In contrast, task-aware t-METASET exhibits a bimodal distribution that is highly skewed to either 0 or π/2.
![Task II-2 (stiffness anisotropy) result for DTO [39]. Each arrow indicates the distributional bias preferred by the given task. The green dotted line denotes the subregion, where C22 = C11, least preferred by the given task: (a) history of distance gains, (b) data distribution: (left) iid and (right) t-METASET with the quality of interest (q2), and (c) histogram of task-related quality (polar angle).](https://asmedc.silverchair-cdn.com/asmedc/content_public/journal/mechanicaldesign/145/3/10.1115_1.4055925/1/m_md_145_3_031704_f008.png?Expires=1742516055&Signature=RjJ2~s~qNYh~UT3xfX4akVy6r6P5lq4i268CSpNLKjZCCWnueI-V1FVeBCJAYUJ4Zum-EW7V0SMNab4BJLc2ikVjOuZDde~5su~BGyS3rxss6OKGhvxXpeJHHYaJHtXdOLczxwH~ZOzV2YVsP5oS2Bt9LFV2lDLOIM-nzfF~aOkGjsvFpahiNtyacENBcyKGaiIj4XGOs2nOqMVY2fCm5rpCYWXCaSP8Yv76y7ebEA9dhwzBF1QEljMSOQsJet3Zvz-S8dmA9yWuqU2~~EsV2xKlTiRo5onhLWKfdPSFM0zFhCBW22W9bwgOpP4BcGWnrDsiVclYfsaazInysb7z3Q__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIE5G5CRDK6RD3PGA)
Task II-2 (stiffness anisotropy) result for [39]. Each arrow indicates the distributional bias preferred by the given task. The green dotted line denotes the subregion, where C22 = C11, least preferred by the given task: (a) history of distance gains, (b) data distribution: (left) iid and (right) t-METASET with the quality of interest (q2), and (c) histogram of task-related quality (polar angle).
![Task II-2 (stiffness anisotropy) result for DTO [39]. Each arrow indicates the distributional bias preferred by the given task. The green dotted line denotes the subregion, where C22 = C11, least preferred by the given task: (a) history of distance gains, (b) data distribution: (left) iid and (right) t-METASET with the quality of interest (q2), and (c) histogram of task-related quality (polar angle).](https://asmedc.silverchair-cdn.com/asmedc/content_public/journal/mechanicaldesign/145/3/10.1115_1.4055925/1/m_md_145_3_031704_f008.png?Expires=1742516055&Signature=RjJ2~s~qNYh~UT3xfX4akVy6r6P5lq4i268CSpNLKjZCCWnueI-V1FVeBCJAYUJ4Zum-EW7V0SMNab4BJLc2ikVjOuZDde~5su~BGyS3rxss6OKGhvxXpeJHHYaJHtXdOLczxwH~ZOzV2YVsP5oS2Bt9LFV2lDLOIM-nzfF~aOkGjsvFpahiNtyacENBcyKGaiIj4XGOs2nOqMVY2fCm5rpCYWXCaSP8Yv76y7ebEA9dhwzBF1QEljMSOQsJet3Zvz-S8dmA9yWuqU2~~EsV2xKlTiRo5onhLWKfdPSFM0zFhCBW22W9bwgOpP4BcGWnrDsiVclYfsaazInysb7z3Q__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIE5G5CRDK6RD3PGA)
Task II-2 (stiffness anisotropy) result for [39]. Each arrow indicates the distributional bias preferred by the given task. The green dotted line denotes the subregion, where C22 = C11, least preferred by the given task: (a) history of distance gains, (b) data distribution: (left) iid and (right) t-METASET with the quality of interest (q2), and (c) histogram of task-related quality (polar angle).
In Fig. 8(a), we recognize an interesting point that reveals the power of t-METASET: unlike the other cases introduced, the shape gain also exceeds unity at the plateau stage, at mild cost of the property gain. Note that we did not enforce the framework to assign more resources on shape diversity. The quality function q2(·, ·) has been defined over only the two properties C11 and C22, not shape. Furthermore, during stage II, t-METASET can take only two samples from shape diversity in each batch due to the setting ɛ = 0.8, commonly shared by other cases that were introduced. This indicates that the decent exploration in the shape space—the shape gain comparable to the property gain during stage II—is what t-METASET autonomously decided via active learning to fulfill the mission specified by the given task. The result demonstrates the ability of t-METASET to, given a large-scale dataset and on-demand design quality, decide how to properly tradeoff distributional biases in shape/property space, thereby efficiently addressing the design goals without human supervision.
We emphasize that the two results came from the same algorithmic settings of t-METASET shared with the other cases, except for the quality functions. Hence, the two case studies, investigated with respect to different datasets and different quality functions, demonstrate that t-METASET has fulfilled the mission: growing task-aware yet balanced datasets by active learning.
4.5 Scenario III: Joint Diversity.
The proposed t-METASET can tune shape-property joint diversity when building datasets. Chan et al. [11] demonstrated that, given a fully observed dataset, the DPP-based sampling method can identify representative subsets with adjustable joint diversity [11]. It is grounded on the fact that any linear combination of PSD shape and property kernels can create a joint diversity kernel LJ = (1 − ɛ)Ls + ɛLp that is also PSD, where Ls is a shape similarity kernel involving a shape descriptor s. Yet the linear combination approach does not apply to our proposed t-METASET, driven by the RFF V, because the linear combination of the feature V does not guarantee the resulting joint kernel to be PSD.
Instead, our framework tunes joint diversity by adjusting the shape/property sampling ratio ɛ of a batch. Figure 9 shows the parameter study over the batch composition ε with respect to Dmix and DTO with . Both results manifest (i) better average diversity in terms of Euclidean distances than that of the iid replicates and (ii) the tradeoff between shape diversity and property diversity. In addition, the results support the previous finding that the correlation between shape diversity and property diversity is near-zero [11]. The substantial distinction of t-METASET lies in: We sequentially achieve the jointly diverse datasets, beginning from scratch in terms of property. In addition, t-METASET allows users to dynamically adjust ε as well based on either real-time monitoring over diversity gains or user-defined criteria. This capacity could possibly help designers steer the sequential data acquisition at will, especially if growing a large-scale dataset (∼O(104)) is of interest, since applying a single sampling criterion over the whole generation procedure might not necessarily result in the best dataset for given design tasks.
4.6 Algorithm Efficiency.
t-METASET is, in essence, a decision-making procedure that selects a sequence of batches from a given large pool of instances . Its scalability comes primarily from the RFF-based kernel approximation and secondarily from the compact 10-D shape descriptor distilled from the VAE training. To give readers a glimpse of the scalability of the proposed data acquisition, Fig. 10 shows the history of wall time (i.e., elapsed real time) per iteration for , where approximately 88k instances are included. The test was run using a desktop with Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-2295 CPU @ 3.00GHz, 18 cores/36 threads, RAM 256 Gb.

Elapsed real-time measurement of a replicate of as a function of dataset size. “1st” and “2nd” denote the sampling transition points corresponding to the thresholds τ1 and τ2, respectively.
For each iteration, we look into the trend of the wall time based on three key steps: (i) GP updating, (ii) DPP sampling, and (iii) RFF updating. In the early stages, the incurred time for the GP update escalates rapidly over the dataset size, dominated by the inversion of covariance matrices. Once the second condition of roughness convergence is met (Δ(t) ≤ τ2, denoted as “2nd” in Fig. 10), the improvements of GP updates over new batches become marginal. The sequential updates are then replaced by the preposterior analysis [59], whose computational cost gradually increases as the cardinality grows. Meanwhile, the conditional k-DPP for sequential diversity sampling takes up a moderate portion of time at each iteration. At the start-up phase, the DPP sampling is performed only once per iteration for the sampling based on shape diversity. As of stage II, DPP sampling runs twice; once based on property diversity (which is optionally weighted by quality), followed by the other based on shape diversity. The incurred wall time shows little dependence on cardinality , as its time complexity primarily depends on the number of replicates in RFF (i.e., DV). Finally, the main computational overhead of the t-METASET procedure involves updating the RFF. In stage I, only the shape RFF is updated. Once the first convergence of roughness parameters is met (Δ(t) ≤ τ1; denoted as “1st” in Fig. 10), the property RFF is calculated and updated. Thereafter, every iteration involves (i) updating the shape RFF, (ii) constructing a property RFF that mirrors the latest GP, and (iii) conditioning the property RFF on the sample collected up to the current iteration.
5 Conclusion
We presented the task-aware METASET (t-METASET) framework dedicated to metamaterials data acquisition congruent with user-defined design tasks. Distinctly, t-METASET specializes in a data-driven scenario that designers often encounter in early stages of DDMD: a massive shape library has been prepared with no properties observed for a new design case. The central idea of t-METASET for building a task-aware dataset, in general, is to (i) leverage a compact yet expressive shape descriptor (e.g., VAE latent representation) for shape dimension reduction, (ii) sequentially update a sparse regressor (e.g., GP) for nonlinear regression with sparse observations, and (iii) sequentially sample in the shape descriptor space based on estimated property diversity and estimated quality (e.g., DPP) for distribution control over shape and property. t-METASET contributes to the design field by: (i) proposing a data acquisition method at early data-driven stages under large epistemic uncertainty, (ii) sequentially combating property bias, and (iii) accommodating task-aware design quality as well. Starting without evaluated properties, all the results tested on two large-scale metamaterial datasets ( and ) were automatically achieved by t-METASET in three different scenarios without human supervision. We argue t-METASET can handle a variety of image-based datasets for design in general, by virtue of scalability, modularity, task-aware data customizability, and independence from both shape generation heuristics and domain knowledge.
Although the present scope of t-METASET is dedicated to metamaterials, the framework is applicable to other material systems where the structures, such as microstructure morphology, can be quantified. Three exemplar scenarios in which t-METASET can be deployed are provided here:
A low-dimensional representation is prescribed by a designer. This applies not only to metamaterials with an explicit parameterization (e.g., the lattice-type building block specified by four parameters [12] in Sec. 2) but also to other systems (e.g., quasi random organic photovoltaic cells represented with a 2D spectral density function [60,61]).
A mixed categorical and quantitative representation is given. A key modification in t-METASET would be to replace the vanilla GP with a latent variable Gaussian process [62]. An example is the multiclass lattice metamaterial dataset in Ref. [21]. Therein, any instance of a material is specified as , where the qualitative variable ci is the class index of the lattice-type building blocks, and a quantitative variable ρ is the volume fraction.
No representation is given (the scenario of primary interest in this work). Unsupervised representation learning can be harnessed, as has been employed in this work, to prepare a compact yet expressive descriptor in light of a dataset.
The imperative future work is inference-level validation of dataset quality, which aims to shed light on the downstream impact of data quality at the deployment stage of data-driven models. Among a plethora of such models, we are particularly interested in conditional generative models [65,66] due to their on-the-fly inverse design capability, which is expected to be highly sensitive to data quality [67,68]. The validation would further demonstrate the efficacy of t-METASET at the downstream stages of DDMD, in addition to at the intuitive metric level we have shown. Moreover, we point out two interesting topics to be explored: (i) the proposed diversity gain as a termination indicator of data generation, which could offer insight into “how much data?” (detailed in Sec. 4.3) and (ii) quantitative comparison between the quality-weighted diversity sampling (Sec. 3.3.4) presented in this work and BO [44,69].
Through producing and sharing open-source datasets, t-METASET ultimately aims to (i) provide a methodological guideline on how to generate a dataset that can meet individual needs, (ii) publicly offer datasets as a reference to a variety of benchmark design problems in different domains, and (iii) help designers diagnose their dataset quality on their own. This lays a solid foundation for the future advancement of data-driven design.
Funding Data
National Science Foundation (NSF) through the CSSI program (Award # OAC 1835782).
Conflict of Interest
There are no conflicts of interest.
Data Availability Statement
The datasets generated and supporting the findings of this article are obtainable from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.