This has been a successful year for the Journal of Mechanical Design. The production process, like the review process, has moved to an almost entirely web-based system. We have reduced both the time to a recommendation as well as the time to publication, against the pressure of an increasing rate of submissions. And the impact factor for the journal has increased steadily. This success is a direct result of the daily efforts of every one of our Associate Editors.
I am pleased to recognize the superb service of five of our colleagues who conclude their service as JMD Associate Editors in the summer and fall of this year:
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Constantinos Mavroidis, Department of Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, Northeastern University;
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Gordon R. Pennock, School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University;
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Jahangir S. Rastegar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, State University of New York at Stony Brook;
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Madhu Raghavan, Thermal and Energy Systems Laboratory, GM Research & Development Center; and
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Linda C. Schmidt, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland.
I am honored to present the five colleagues who will take on the challenge of managing an increasingly demanding review process. It takes approximately six months to identify, nominate and appoint an Associate Editor for the Journal of Mechanical Design. Nominations are solicited from the technical chairs of the various committees, phone interviews of prospective nominees are arranged, and nomination packages are prepared. Review and approval by both the Design Engineering Executive Committee and the ASME Publications Committee are needed for the final appointment. Associate Editors maintain the trust of our research community, and must make decisions with its benefit and success as their goal.
Our five new Associate Editors are:
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Kwun-Lon Ting, Center for Manufacturing Research, Tennessee Tech University for the Mechanisms and Robotics Area.
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Qizeng Liao, School of Automation, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications for the Mechanisms and Robotics Area.
- 3
Harvey Lipkin, Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology for the Mechanisms and Robotics Area.
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Pierre Larochelle, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Florida Institute of Technology for the Mechanisms and Robotics Area.
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Yan Jin, Department of Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering, University of Southern California for the Design Theory and Methodology Area.