Traditionally the mechanical engineering design area of the mechanical engineering discipline has concerned itself with static design concepts. Recently, many university mechanical engineering curricula have placed a dynamics sequence in the mechanical design course path. This has had two results. First, the former graduates having little background in dynamic design concepts need to have a technology transfer effort focused upon them. Second, the current university student finds the understanding of highly mathematical, multiple degree-of-freedom models of real systems almost incomprehensible. This paper presents a proposed partial solution to the technology transfer problems above. A computer modeling program has been developed that computes the steady-state response of a multi-degree-of-freedom system. Magnitude and phase of the response is graphically presented for combinations of masses, stiffnesses, viscous dampers, and/or structural dampers in any interconnection scheme. The algorithm has been used to model real-world engineering problems that would normally elude the undergraduate student and many practicing engineers. These same modeling efforts can be used to stimulate the practicing engineer to relate to these solutions and their real-world significance.

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