This Special Issue of the ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering (JMSE) seeks to strengthen ties between the journal and the Japanese manufacturing research community by showcasing high-level scientific contributions. It provides an opportunity for Japanese researchers to present their cutting-edge work while aiming to unite two of the world's leading scientific communities. Although JMSE is an American journal, it is vital to highlight the substantial contributions of the Japanese research community in this prestigious and historically significant publication. This initiative also promotes closer collaboration between researchers from both countries and the broader global community.

We are pleased to have received submissions covering a wide range of manufacturing topics. After a rigorous peer-review process, ten papers were selected for publication, addressing areas such as additive manufacturing, laser materials processing, machine tool dynamics, machining, metrology, and sensing. Collectively, these papers provide a concise overview of Japan's state-of-the-art knowledge and emphasize key areas of focus in its manufacturing research.

We hope this Special Issue marks the beginning of a long and productive collaboration between JMSE and the Japanese research community. Additionally, we aspire for this collection of papers to pave the way for future leaders across disciplines, allowing them to build upon the research presented here and advance manufacturing innovation in both academia and industry.

We extend our deepest gratitude to Dr. Albert Shih, Editor-in-Chief of JMSE, for his invaluable support, leadership, and endorsement of this collaboration. Our sincere thanks also go to Emily Bosco and Elizabeth Bruce, editorial assistants at JMSE, for their dedicated support and smooth coordination throughout the review and production process.

Finally, we are immensely grateful to all the contributors who responded to the call for papers, enriching this joint Special Issue with their insightful research. Special thanks go to the reviewers, whose time and thoughtful evaluations were essential in shaping this issue.