Renewed interest and planning for a Space Station, probably NASA’s next major space activity, poses a new challenge for ETCLS technology not previously emphasized. Over the past two decades, regenerative life support technology development for Space Station has been underway. This development effort was always aimed at regenerative (closed loop) life support for a full capability Space Station. The level of priority for manned space presence and current budgetary pressures dictate the need for a low cost profile program with an evolutionary growth Space Station. The initial capability may be a small station with a crew of 2 or 3. This station could grow in size and capability by the addition of modules to a station with a crew of 8 to 12 with the possibility of multiple stations in orbit. Depending upon the selected missions, the early station may be best served by an open or only partially closed loop ETCLS whereas the final station may need a completely closed loop ETCLS. The challenge would be to grow in-orbit the ETCLS system capability in a “no-throw-away” fashion in order to minimize annual and total program cost. This paper discusses a possible ETCLS system evolutionary growth scenario, the Space Station architecture variations influencing the ETCLS system design, and a technology preparedness plan for Space Station ETCLS.

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