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About the Journal

The ASME Letters in Translational Robotics will provide rapid publication of high quality, translational research results, demonstrated with a prototype leading to a minimally viable product. It will also include archival innovations that lead to new best practice in design, realization and deployment of robotic devices and systems. It will bring advances in robotics research to the practicing engineer by emphasizing creative solutions to real-world problems and sharing innovations in implementation details. By considering shorter-form papers, as well as traditional length papers in an accelerated timeframe, this journal will expedite the application and translation of science, engineering and design principles in robotics into new or improved technological products. It will support use-inspired, translational research that will drive future robotic technologies and engineering solutions with societal impact.

Translational research results demonstrated with prototypes leading to a minimally viable product such as: Use-inspired design (function, form, architecture, operation), innovations and associated risks, and the practical implementation; Challenges and solutions for integration of large multidisciplinary projects; Application-driven robot architectures that encompass agents, tasks, and operational environment. Identify challenges, find innovative solutions, and develop performance measurements. Provide examples of such innovation and invention; Innovative designs (components, subsystems, and systems); Validation of innovation and impact on real-world problems; Methods for design, analysis and algorithms leading to real, reliable robots; Innovations in system integration, and use-inspired cyber-physical systems; Case studies of application by a manufacturer or end user; Innovations and practices in robot design for safe implementation of robotic devices and systems; Reduction of robot patents to practice.

Diversity and Inclusion
The Technical Committee on Publications and Communications endorses the commitment of ASME to support diversity and to create and ensure inclusive and ethical practices for publishing as well as the science and engineering professions.

Frequency: Quarterly

ISSN: 2997-9765
eISSN: 2997-9773

Title History
ASME Letters in Translational Robotics (ISSN: 2997-9765), 2025

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