The adjoint of the system is a linear operator that can be interpreted as the transposition of the unit pulse response matrix with a Toeplitz structure. In the context of iterative learning control, the system adjoint can be used as the learning filter by performing dedicated experiments on the system, resulting in monotonically convergent algorithms. However, the required number of experiments equals the product of input and output channels, and the convergence speed is limited by the system peak gain. This work aims to reduce the number of dedicated experiments for multivariate systems and improve the convergence speed of the adjoint-based iterative learning control. The proposed algorithm constructs the system adjoint in frequency domain and therefore the required number of experiments equals the number of input channels. Exploiting the independence of frequency response of linear-time-invariant systems, the learning gain can be frequency-dependent, which further accelerates the convergence speed. Algorithm convergence under frequency domain uncertainties are ensured with learning scalar or diagonal gain design. It is shown that for a single-input-single-output system, the proposed approach becomes the inversion-based algorithms. Convergence condition is also developed for multivariable systems through complex analysis. The developed approach is validated through experiments on a multi-axis galvanometer.
1 Introduction
Iterative learning control (ILC) is used for high performance tracking, and it utilizes the repetition of the tasks and generates feedforward control commands in between iterations so as to overcome the limitations of conventional feedback control. Based on the knowledge of robot dynamics, Arimoto et al. [1] first developed P- and PD-type ILC. With the widespread applications, model-based approaches are proposed using unit pulse response representation [2,3], state-space representation [4,5], and transfer function representations [6,7].
Compared to model-based methods, data-driven approaches have the benefit of no model fitting loss [8,9]. For example, Janssens et al. used input and output signals to estimate a nonparametric convolution matrix of the system, followed by quadratic optimization to determine the optimal input signal [10]. Building on concepts from subspace identification algorithms, Ref. [11] further characterizes the system through input–output trajectories within the optimization framework. Chen and Tsao proposed a meta-learning approach wherein the learning of a nonparametric finite-impulse-response learning filter is formulated as an ILC problem [12]. Above methods often require the input signal to be persistently exciting to avoid algorithm singularity. In contrast, some algorithms solve for the optimal input specific to the tracked trajectory, making them less restrictive. Particularly, Sogo and Adachi [13] utilized time-reversed output error to construct control correction, which is equivalent to employing system adjoint as the learning function. The cascade of a system with its adjoint is zero phase, so the ILC design boils down to a more tractable scalar learning gain design. It is shown that this technique also has the interpretation of gradient descent when formulating as a quadratic optimization problem with the system adopting a unit pulse response Toeplitz matrix representation [14]. Recently, Bolder et al. [15] extend the idea to multivariable systems. Through channel manipulation and signal rerouting, the construction of the data-driven gradient requires experiments per iteration for an -input–-output system. The scaling problem for massive multi-input–multi-output (MIMO) systems may be addressed by a stochastic approximation algorithm of the system adjoint [16].
In this letter, a different perspective of the system adjoint is adopted in the frequency domain. The Fourier transforms of the input and output signals are used to construct the frequency response function of the system adjoint, resulting in only experiments per ILC iteration in a deterministic setting. Furthermore, due to the independence of frequency response of linear time-invariant (LTI) systems, different learning gains can be assigned for different frequencies, accelerating the convergence speed of ILC. Scalar and diagonal learning gain design conditions are developed to ensure algorithm convergence under uncertainties, which can be analyzed using standard signal processing techniques.
The contributions of this letter are as follows:
A deterministic adjoint ILC algorithm for multivariable systems is developed in the frequency domain, requiring fewer experiments per iteration—from to —and achieving faster convergence.
Convergence conditions are developed. Insights and connection to inversion-based algorithms are established.
The proposed approach is simulated and experimentally validated on a multi-axis galvanometer system.
The rest of the article is organized as follows. In Sec. 2, adjoint operation and conventional time domain adjoint-based algorithm are first introduced, followed by the proposed adjoint ILC in the frequency domain. Then, Sec. 3 considers a modification with diagonal learning gain design to further enhance the convergence speed. Monotonic convergence is ensured based on the Gershgorin circle theorem. It is shown that the proposed approach reduces to the model-free inversion-based iterative control for single-input–single-output (SISO) systems [17]. Section 4 provides simulation results, experimental validation, and a performance comparison of the algorithms in this work. Finally, conclusions and future directions are given in Sec. 5.
2 Data-Driven Adjoint Iterative Learning Control Algorithms
2.1 Conventional Time Domain Adjoint Iterative Learning Control.
The gradient descent algorithm uses the system adjoint for correction, and hence the name adjoint ILC.
This representation, involving the involutory permutation matrix, shows that the adjoint-based correction can be obtained through experiments by manipulating the signal. For a two-by-two system, the procedure for constructing is illustrated in Fig. 1.
2.2 Proposed Frequency Domain Adjoint Iterative Learning Control.
The transposition of in Eq. (2) amounts to changing the variable from to of the IIR representation in (1). From the time domain definitions of the system and its adjoint in Eqs. (3) and (8), it is observed that the system adjoint in frequency domain should be the Hermitian transpose of the frequency response matrix (FRM) .
Compared to Eq. (11), frequency domain adjoint ILC has the additional flexibility to assign frequency-dependent learning gain in accordance with the system magnitude, thus leading to improved convergence speed.
3 Learning Gain Design for Robustness and Convergence Speed
3.1 Motivating Example: Naive Learning Gain Design.
In the presence of measurement noise, may not be exactly . In this case, the naive learning gain design in (18) may lead to algorithm divergence as the following example.
The diagonal system only has phase uncertainty, and we assume without loss of generality. However, the choice of will render the first eigenvalue of to be , which is outside the unit circle, thus leading to divergence.
3.2 Robust Learning Gain Design Through Complex Analysis.
To account for different uncertainties in estimating the columns of , as well as to improve the convergence rate, herein a diagonal learning gain matrix is employed.
Note that the right-hand side is positive if Eq. (22) is satisfied. The left-hand side is also positive because using . This leads to the maximum learning gain in Eq. (23). □
The complete ILC algorithm is presented in Algorithm 1.
MIMO data-driven frequency domain adjoint ILC
Given a vector-valued reference signal , initialize the input signal as , and set the iteration index to . Then, proceed with the following:
- (1)
Apply input to the system, then collect output and compute .
- (2)
Perform experiments with () as the nontrivial input at the th channel, and obtain the output at the th channel () for each experiment.
- (3)
Perform DFT on time domain signals and obtain , . Estimate the system by evaluating each entry .
- (4)
Construct the estimated system and take the Hermitian transpose to obtain the adjoint .
- (5)
Quantify the uncertainties 's and 's per Eq. (30), examine conditions (27) and (28), then design the learning gain by Eq. (33).
- (6)
Update the control input via . Then, perform inverse DFT to acquire the time domain input for the next iteration. Terminate iterations if the stopping criterion is met, otherwise increment the iteration index and go to step 1.
3.3 Connection to the Inversion-Based Algorithm for SISO Systems.
This design has a graphical interpretation in the complex plane as in Fig. 3: the squared inverse limits the range of within a unit circle centered at , and the factor produces the minimum distance to the origin when the phase condition is satisfied. When phase uncertainty , the propagation factor will be outside of the unit circle centered at the origin for any .

Complex plane visualization of the propagation factor : () when , produces the fastest convergence and () when , for any
In Fig. 4, the root-mean-square (RMS) error of ILC tracking shows that the proposed frequency domain adjoint method outperforms the time domain adjoint algorithm due to the frequency-dependent learning gain, which is further illustrated in Fig. 5. The frequency domain adjoint ILC modulates the learning gain at each frequency according to the magnitude of the system, resulting in the inversion of the system and thus accelerating convergence. Meanwhile, the time domain method has a constant learning gain limited by the peak gain of the system.

System magnitude , the ideal learning gain of noise-free adjoint ILC, the frequency domain adjoint learning gain from Eq. (37), and time domain adjoint learning gain from the ratio of over . The patched areas are the regions where due to large phase uncertainty.

System magnitude , the ideal learning gain of noise-free adjoint ILC, the frequency domain adjoint learning gain from Eq. (37), and time domain adjoint learning gain from the ratio of over . The patched areas are the regions where due to large phase uncertainty.
4 Experimental Results
4.1 Setup and Task Description.
The galvanometer in Example 2 has two orthogonal axes and will be used for experimental validation. Each axis has a pre-stabilized position servo control with a sampling frequency of 20 kHz, managed by a real-time target (PCIe-7841r, National Instruments). The motion of the two axes generates scanning patterns for applications in profilometry and additive manufacturing.
To showcase the proposed frequency domain algorithm against the conventional time domain approach for MIMO systems, cross-couplings are introduced: the input from axis 1 is multiplied by a weighting factor and sent to the input of axis 2, and the input from axis 2 is multiplied by and sent to the input of axis 1.
The tracking control objective is to follow a spatial raster scanning pattern. As shown in Fig. 6, the decomposed waveform of axis 1 is a 200 Hz triangular wave with a magnitude from 0 to , while the decomposed waveform of axis 2 is a stepping ramp with intermittent stops, also at 200 Hz. Both of which is filtered by a zero-phase low-pass filter .

The desired reference trajectories decomposed from a raster scanning pattern for the two motion axes of the galvanometer
4.2 Results and Discussions.
In Fig. 7, the composite RMS error of frequency and time domain adjoint algorithms are presented. For this two-by-two system (), the proposed algorithm reduces the number of dedicated experiments from to per ILC iteration compared to the conventional time domain method. Additionally, due to the frequency-dependent learning gain, the proposed algorithm achieves faster convergence for each ILC update. The time domain error progression of each axis is supplemented in Fig. 8. The error is progressively flattened to zero as iterations advance. It should be noted that the Fourier transform assumes signal periodicity, making it more suitable for trajectories with repeated patterns, such as the sawtooth and staircase waveforms discussed. Furthermore, the proposed algorithm leverages the frequency independence inherent in LTI systems, which limits its applicability to strongly nonlinear or time-varying systems.

ILC convergence of the frequency and time domain adjoint algorithms of the MIMO system from tracking the trajectories presented in Fig. 6. Note that the horizontal axis denotes the number of experiments rather than ILC iterations to demonstrate the reduced interleaving trials.

ILC convergence of the frequency and time domain adjoint algorithms of the MIMO system from tracking the trajectories presented in Fig. 6. Note that the horizontal axis denotes the number of experiments rather than ILC iterations to demonstrate the reduced interleaving trials.
5 Conclusion and Future Works
In this work, a data-driven frequency domain adjoint-based ILC algorithm is developed for MIMO systems. First, fewer experiments for adjoint system identification are achieved by sequentially injecting signals to input channels. Second, the convergence speed is further improved with frequency-dependent learning gain, which is typically limited by the peak gain of the systems in conventional adjoint ILC. Third, by taking uncertainties into consideration when designing learning gain, algorithm robustness is validated through experiments. Future directions include less conservative learning gain design utilizing the knowledge of noise characteristics.
Funding Data
The National Science and Technology Council of Taiwan under Grant NSTC 112-2628-E-002-024 and NSTC 113-2628-E-002-031.
The National Taiwan University Excellence Research Program, Grant 113L893901.
Conflict of Interest
There are no conflicts of interest.
Data Availability Statement
The datasets generated and supporting the findings of this article are obtainable from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.