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Additive Manufacturing Resource

ASME looks to assist researchers and anyone looking for Additive Manufacturing Resources.

Journal of Micro and Nano-Manufacturing

Simulation of Micro/Nanopowder Mixing Characteristics for Dry Spray Additive Manufacturing of Li-Ion Battery Electrodes

Study of Microscale Three-Dimensional Printing Using Near-Field Melt Electrospinning

Simulation of Micro/Nanopowder Mixing Characteristics for Dry Spray Additive Manufacturing of Li-Ion Battery Electrodes

Active Mixing Nozzle for Multimaterial and Multiscale Three-Dimensional Printing

A Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing Implementation of the Atomic Force Microscope Tip-Based Nanomachining Process for Two-Dimensional Patterning

Redesigning a Reaction Control Thruster for Metal-Based Additive Manufacturing: A Case Study in Design for Additive Manufacturing

The Design for Additive Manufacturing Worksheet

Designing for Additive Manufacturing: Lightweighting Through Topology Optimization Enables Lunar Spacecraft

A Survey of Modeling of Lattice Structures Fabricated by Additive Manufacturing

Power–Velocity Process Design Charts for Powder Bed Additive Manufacturing

Multiphoton Polymerization Using Femtosecond Bessel Beam for Layerless Three-Dimensional Printing

Investigation of Porosity and Mechanical Properties of Graphene Nanoplatelets-Reinforced AlSi10 Mg by Selective Laser Melting

A Comprehensive Study of the Sintering of Copper Nanoparticles Using Femtosecond, Nanosecond, and Continuous Wave Lasers

Correlation Between Microscale Magnetic Particle Distribution and Magnetic-Field-Responsive Performance of Three-Dimensional Printed Composites

Tool Path Planning for Directional Freezing-Based Three-Dimensional Printing of Nanomaterials


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