The introduction of new materials, the innovative use of various construction methods, and the popularity of vegetative (green) roofs make it timely to update and expand the 1990 article, “Principles of Design and Installation of Building Deck Waterproofing” [Ruggiero, S. S. and Rutila, D. A., “Principles of Design and Installation of Building Deck Waterproofing,” Building Deck Waterproofing, ASTM STP 1084, L.E. Gish, Ed., ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 1990, p. 5. We review the state of the art for materials and practices, and apply the lessons learned over the past 20 years of below-ground and building deck waterproofing. Of particular importance are the following: Performance and durability advancements in fluid-applied systems have resulted in increased use. New chemical formulations as well as recognition of settled technologies that work allow some fluid-applied membranes to demonstrate proven durability equal to sheet membrane systems. Sodium bentonite-polymer composite systems resolve many past performance questions and often provide advantages over other options. Blind-side and other foundation waterproofing systems are increasingly driven by foundation forming and concrete placement, and support of excavation designs. Vegetative (green) roofing has created challenges not completely addressed by “plaza waterproofing” designs, but key principles of deck waterproofing must still be applied to vegetative roofing.