Oil dispersions (OD) of spray drift mitigation agents offer ease of incorporation of the agent into the tank mix. An oil dispersion of guar gum has been developed that not only achieves even dispersion of guar into the spray tank but also exhibits good physical stability. The influence of dispersing agents and emulsifiers on spray characteristics, rheology, and physical stability was examined.
Issue Section:
Research Papers
, J. L.
, “Guar as a Drift Control Agent
,” U.S. Patent 5,550, 224 (1995
, A.
and Lindner
, G.
, “OD Formulations Structured with Self-Activating Organically Modified Clays
,” Pesticides Applications, and Formulation Systems: Third Symposium ASTM STP 1527
, A. D.
and R.
, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials
, Philadelphia
, 2011
, pp. 60
, N. R.
, “Evaluation of Tank Mix Compatibility Using the Laboratory Sprayer
,” Pesticides Applications, and Formulation Systems: Third Symposium ASTM STP 828
, T. M.
and N. B.
, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials
, Philadelphia
, 1983
, pp. 52
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