The ASTM standard for fatigue crack growth, E 647, was co-developed by industry and government in the late 1970s to define a standard procedure for generating material crack growth behavior under a variety of loading conditions. The standard specifies tolerances on laboratory procedures, specimen configurations to generate material characterization information of a high integrity. Recent research developing fatigue crack growth rate data has uncovered significant issues with the standard test method and specimen configurations. The data generated has been largely dependent on specimen configuration, i.e., M(T) and C(T) specimens produce very different crack growth rate curves; C(T) specimens of different sizes do not generate the same material response; and finally, the development of steady-state, as defined using constant ΔK testing, does not agree with the data generated with the standard ASTM test method. Therefore, in this paper the authors present data that does not lend confidence in the integrity of the standard C(T) specimen tested using the ASTM standard method and investigate causes for the observed anomalous crack growth rate behavior.