
Al-shaped-charge-jet (Al SCJ) generated from conical liner under explosive shock loading is observed using a hard flash xray and x-ray imaging plate. An analytical method termed insitu mass analysis from x-ray image processing (i-MAX) was utilized to estimate the mass, velocity, and kinetic energy of the SCJ in this study. The mass distributions in the SCJ showed the tendency to decrease toward the jet's tip, except in the vicinity of the jet's tip. Kinetic energy showed the maximum value (2080±582 J) at the jet's tip. The collision/penetration experiment against an iron target block was conducted to evaluate the penetration ability of the Al SCJ. The Al SCJ impact against the Fe target observed no bulk aluminum or slag on the penetration hole. These results suggest that the shape (depth and width) and condition (residuals in the hole) of the penetration holes also strongly depend on the metallic characteristics of the liner and the physical properties of the SCJ. These results suggest that the shape and condition of the penetration holes strongly depend on the liner's metallic characteristics (melting point) and the physical property (kinetic energy) of the SCJ.

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