
The mechanics involved in shock physics often involves materials undergoing large deformations being subjected to high strain rates and temperature variations. When considering high-velocity impacts and explosions, metals experience plastic flow, dynamic failures and fragmentation that are often too complex for a Lagrangian method, such as the finite element method, to properly resolve. Conversely, Eulerian methods are simple to setup, but often result in numerical diffusion errors [1]. These unpleasantries can be skirted by using an alternative technique that incorporates a blend of these aforementioned methods. FLIP+MPM (FLuid Implicit Particle + Material Point Method) employs Lagrangian points to track state quantities associated with materials as strength, as well as conserved quantities, such as mass. Concurrently, an Eulerian grid is used to calculate gradient fields and incorporate an algorithm that carries out the hydrodynamics [2]. By incorporating the FLIP+MPM method into Los Alamos National Laboratory’s Pagosa hydrodynamics code, massively parallel architectures may be employed to solve such problems as those including fragmentation, plastic flow and fluid-structure interaction. This paper will begin with a mathematical description of the FLIP+MPM technique and describe how it fits into Pagosa. After a description of the implementation, the capabilities of this numerical technique are highlighted by simulating fragmentation as a result of high velocity impacts and explosions. Several strength and damage models will be exercised to demonstrate the code’s flexibility. Comparison of the different models’ fragment size distributions are given and discussed.

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