
Ice formation and accumulation on aircraft is a major problem in aviation. Icing is directly responsible for aircraft incidents, limiting the safety of air travel and requiring expensive, and sometimes ineffective deicing strategies. Furthermore, electrification of aircraft platforms leads to difficulties with integration of legacy deicing methods such as pneumatic boots. In this work, we study electro-thermal pulse deicing capable of efficient and rapid removal of ice from aircraft wings. The pulse approach enables the efficient melting of a thin (< 100 µm) ice layer on the wing surface to limit parasitic heat losses. Only the interface is melted, with the rest of the ice sliding on the melt lubrication layer due to aerodynamic forces. To study pulse deicing, we developed a transient thermal-hydrodynamic numerical model that accounts for multiple phases and materials, specific and latent heating effects, melt layer hydrodynamics, as well as boundary layer effects. To identify optimal deicing strategies, we use our model to study the effects of heater thickness (50 µm < th < 1 mm), substrate electrical insulation thickness (10 µm < ti < 1 mm), pulse duration (0.4 s < ∆tpulse < 4.5 s), and pulse energy. Optimum operating points are identified for large (Boeing 747), mid-size (Embraer E175) and small (Cessna 172) aircraft. The scale-dependent thermal-hydraulic model results are used to estimate input conditions required for deicing and integrated into an electrical model considering energy storage, power electronics, integration, and layout, to achieve overall volumetric and gravimetric power density optimization.

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