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Journal Articles
Publisher: ASTM International
Article Type: Review Articles
Geotech. Test. J.. January 2019, 42(1): 180–193.
Paper No: GTJ20170096
Published Online: May 22, 2018
...Marx Ferdinand Ahlinhan; Codjo Edmond Adjovi Piping is an erosion mechanism that plays a significant role in river barrages, such as dikes and dams, that are founded on poorly graded cohesionless soils like, for instance, fine or medium sands. Likewise, in gap-graded or widely graded cohesionless...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASTM International
Article Type: Research-Article
Geotech. Test. J.. July 2017, 40(4): 630–642.
Paper No: GTJ20150282
Published Online: July 5, 2017
...Y. Liang; C. Zeng; J.-J. Wang; M.-W. Liu; T.-C. Jim Yeh; Y.-Y. Zha Seepage direction is crucial for understanding the critical state and development of piping erosion. A stress-controlled apparatus was designed to investigate the piping behavior of cohesionless soil under upward flow condition...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASTM International
Article Type: Research-Article
Geotech. Test. J.. September 1997, 20(3): 263–271.
Paper No: GTJ19970001
Published Online: July 16, 2014
... in apparent opening size from No. 70 to 170 are used with specimens prepared using a dry method and a slurry method of preparation and then back-saturated with deaired water. Results indicated that the fly ash-geotextile systems are stabilized after approximately 2000 h with less piping observed...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASTM International
Article Type: Research-Article
Geotech. Test. J.. November 2013, 36(6): 834–846.
Paper No: GTJ20130066
Published Online: September 17, 2013
...Mandie S. Fleshman; John D. Rice A laboratory apparatus has been developed for assessing the hydraulic conditions necessary for the initiation of piping erosion. The apparatus is designed to provide a constant hydraulic gradient throughout a sample while retaining the sample in a sample holder...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASTM International
Article Type: Technical Notes
Geotech. Test. J.. July 2012, 35(4): 660–664.
Published Online: June 26, 2012
.... The error varies with size of the hole diameter, and is found to be as much as one order of magnitude. 15 09 2011 13 03 2012 01 07 2012 soil erosion critical shear stress piping Pitot-static tube laboratory testing References ASTM D5101–01-2001 , 2006 , “ Standard Test...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASTM International
Article Type: Research-Article
Geotech. Test. J.. May 2004, 27(3): 295–303.
Published Online: May 1, 2004
... with respect to an increase in the hydraulic shear stress; and the Initial Shear Stress, which represents the minimum hydraulic shear stress when erosion starts. Knowledge of these erosion characteristics aids in the prediction of the likelihood of embankment dam failure due to piping erosion in a risk...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASTM International
Article Type: Research-Article
Geotech. Test. J.. December 1996, 19(4): 364–372.
Published Online: December 1, 1996
... recommendation). This result illustrates the importance of using an unsaturated dilution for determining percent soluble soil. soil solubility saturation electrical conductivity settlement piping salt heave collapsing soil References APHA/AWWA/WPCF , 1989 , Standard Methods...