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Journal Articles
Publisher: ASTM International
Article Type: Technical Papers
Geotech. Test. J.. July 2019, 42(4): 930–944.
Paper No: GTJ20180024
Published Online: July 1, 2019
... preparation that is widely used because of its simplicity and the repeatability of its results. The procedure is followed by trial and error by adjusting the thickness of the layer and the appropriate energy level until the desired relative density is achieved. However, this technique often produces...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASTM International
Article Type: Research-Article
Geotech. Test. J.. September 2015, 38(5): 752–764.
Paper No: GTJ20140215
Published Online: September 9, 2015
...Jonathan A. Black; Alireza Tatari Managing energy resources is fast becoming a crucial issue of the 21st century, with groundbased heat exchange energy structures targeted as a viable means of reducing carbon emissions associated with regulating building temperatures. Limited information exists...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASTM International
Article Type: Technical Notes
Geotech. Test. J.. July 2005, 28(4): 404–409.
Published Online: July 1, 2005
...Z Zhang; M Tao; MT Tumay This technical note proposes a new concept of absorbed energy that is related to the soil structural formation for unsaturated cohesive soils. Results from limited preliminary laboratory tests indicate that such energy correlates reasonably well with unconfined compressive...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASTM International
Article Type: Research-Article
Geotech. Test. J.. January 2005, 28(1): 22–30.
Published Online: January 1, 2005
...RB Sancio; JD Bray The penetration resistance of a sandy soil, as measured by the Standard Penetration Test (SPT), is extensively used in geotechnical engineering. There are many factors that influence the energy transmitted to the rod string and sampler by the impact of the hammer on the anvil...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASTM International
Article Type: Research-Article
Geotech. Test. J.. March 2004, 27(2): 198–204.
Published Online: March 1, 2004
...B Muhunthan; VS Pillai; D Olcott The energy input during shear deformation of sand is expended by three components: resistance against particle-to-particle frictional deformation, volumetric or nonrecoverable plastic deformation, and elastic deformation of the soil grains. These three components...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASTM International
Article Type: Research-Article
Geotech. Test. J.. December 1983, 6(4): 201–209.
Published Online: December 1, 1983
...CO Riggs; NO Schmidt; CL Rassieur Stress wave energy measurements were made to compare the performance of an automatic standard penetration test (SPT) hammer system with the free fall performance of a safety type hammer. It was found that the automatic free fall hammer and the safety hammer tested...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASTM International
Article Type: Research-Article
Geotech. Test. J.. June 1983, 6(2): 73–80.
Published Online: June 1, 1983
... and strain using cyclic stress reversals. Computations can be made to relate soil remolding and input energy for correlation with measured remolded soil strength using the simple shear device. Raymond N. Yong I and King Y. Tang 2 Soil Remolding and Sensitivity Measurements REFERENCE: Yong, R. N. and Tang, K...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASTM International
Article Type: Technical Notes
Geotech. Test. J.. December 1980, 3(4): 163–166.
Published Online: December 1, 1980
...F Steiger In order to obtain quantitative measurements of force, penetration, and energy delivered by rod impact, 25.4-mm-diameter steel rods of lengths of 3.66 m (12 ft), 12.19 m (40 ft), and 23.74 m (77.9 ft) were supported horizontally and struck at one end with a reproducible hammer blow. Force...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASTM International
Article Type: Technical Notes
Geotech. Test. J.. September 1980, 3(3): 127–130.
Published Online: September 1, 1980
... in the energy delivered to the sampler and in the blow count for the same soil conditions. TECHNICAL NOTE Hr. D. K o v a c s I What Constitutes a Turn? REFERENCE: Kovacs, W, D,, "What Constitutes a Turn Geotechnical Testing Journal, GTJODJ, Vol. 3, No. 3, Sept. 1980, pp. 127-130. manufactured to perform the SPT...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASTM International
Article Type: Technical Notes
Geotech. Test. J.. March 1978, 1(1): 57–61.
Published Online: March 1, 1978
...JH Schmertmann; TV Smith; R Ho This note provides an example of an energy calibration report on standard penetration test equipment. This calibration was designed to determine a standard hammer drop height that would produce 2100 in.·lb (237 N·m) of compression wave energy entering the drill rods...